授業コード 10001900 単位数 2
科目名 国際ビジネスコミュニケーションⅠ クラス
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 ROUAULT, Gregory T. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 貿易通信 International Business Communication I
学修の概要 This spring term course, taught in English, is paired with "International Business Communication II". Anchored in experiential learning, this course covers the reading strategies and writing skills (input & output) used in functional communications by professionals in international business settings.
[Instructor's practical experience: Engaged in Staff Training and Sales & Marketing in major packaged goods companies in Canada for over 10 years]
学修の到達目標 The course aims are (1) to develop an understanding of the functional language used in business writing, (2) to enhance skills in using English for written communication in business, & (3) to build confidence in the ability to address business concerns and issues.
授業計画 第1回 ガイダンス Course Outline and Orientation
U1 Introducing yourself
第2回 U2 Arranging a meeting
英文ビジネスEメールの構成 - scheduling a meeting p.5
第3回 U3 Writing about plans and an itinerary
英文ビジネスEメールの構成 - invitation to training p.3
第4回 U4 Making recommendations
英文ビジネスEメールの構成 - change to advertising p.2
第5回 U5 Inviting - formal and informal
英文ビジネスレターの構成 - invitation for an interview p.2
第6回 Knowledge Review #1 (introductory messages) & U6 Making inquiries
英文ビジネスレターの構成 - factory visit p.4
第7回 U6 Making requests
英文ビジネスEメールの事例 - training day permission p.3
第8回 U7 Placing an order
英文ビジネスEメールの事例- computer problem p.4
第9回 U8 Responding to an order - delays
英文ビジネスEメールの事例 - customer complaints p.4
第10回 U10 Complaints
英文ビジネスEメールの事例 - conference hotel p.5
第11回 Knowledge review #2 (orders & complaints) & U14 Business reports
英文ビジネスレターの事例 - delay in payment p.3
第12回 U12 Interoffice memo
英文ビジネスEメール memo - temporary staff p.1
第13回 U13 Making proposals
英文ビジネスレターの事例 - New York store p.1
第14回 Knowledge Review #3 (memos & proposals) & U11 Checking project progress
英文ビジネスEメールの事例 - annual conference p.2
第15回 U15 Social situations
英文ビジネスレターの事例 - company anniversary p.3 / お悔やみの手紙 (Condolences)
授業外学習の課題 Students are expected to balance (a) 60 minutes of weekly H/W to complete the assigned writing tasks together with (b) additional time in out of class preparation (2-3 hours) required to work on the stages of their independent study projects and to r
eview & preview the lessons.
履修上の注意事項 Practical tasks will focus on 3 areas: (1) formal written communications, (2) informal memos & notes, and (3) written communications to address business problems.
a) Homework and self study projects will be completed online in Google Classroom where supplementary materials and a schedule of assignment deadlines will also be provided.
b) Please arrive on time, attend all lessons (with limited absenteeism), and participate actively in this class taught in English. (*Please have a dictionary).
c) If you will be absent, please inform your instructor in advance and check with classmates to find out (i) what was covered, (ii) what the homework is, & (iii) what to prepare for next class.
成績評価の方法・基準 Ongoing assessment of unit tasks & weekly homework 30%; 3 knowledge review tests 30%;
2 independent self-study projects: (a) writing log 20% & (b) business report 10%; and active participation 10%
テキスト Textbook materials will be provided by the instructor on the first day of classes (2,800 yen).
参考文献 "The Email", Halico Books, available online from the Shudo Library
The independent self-study projects will require using online resources from the internet.
- 1250 TOEIC vocabulary words Eng and Jpn: https://app.memrise.com/course/1110249/toeic-service-list/
- 1250 TOEIC vocabulary words on Eng to Eng flashcards: https://quizlet.com/class/2702919/
主な関連科目 国際ビジネスコミュニケーションII / International Business Communication II
Feedback will be provided on assignments, knowledge review tests, and project reports using grading sheets or scoring rubrics along with descriptive comments within 2 weeks.
Please contact me by email or see me after class with any questions. grouault@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp
オフィスアワーOffice hours Tues Per 4 14:45 – 16:15 Bldg 8, 1F (Manabi Commons) or by appointment at my office (Bldg 3-323)
添付ファイル Email Rubric.pdf 説明
URLリンク Cambridge Write & Improve

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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