授業コード 91207400 単位数 2
科目名 国際コミュニケーションⅠ クラス
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 ROUAULT, Gregory T. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 English Language Skills
学修の概要 This introductory course at the graduate level is taught in English and is underpinned by task-based experiential "learning by doing." Course contents & learning tasks focus on the relevant language skills (LS) and typical functions for business communications (F4BC) in a global context.

[Instructor's practical experience: For over 10 years engaged in training, sales & marketing in packaged goods companies in Canada with non-native English speaking customers and business English training in Japan for Nestle, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Kawasaki, Nihon Felt (Ambic), & Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim]
学修の到達目標 The KSA aims of the course are to develop: 1) knowledge of English terms & grammatical structures commonly used in business, 2) skills in using practical English for functional business purposes and interactions, and 3) a more confident attitude & improved self-efficacy toward learning by doing and using foreign language (input & output) for meaningful communication purposes.
授業計画 第1回 Course Introduction, Overview, and Needs Analysis
Develop LS for Agreeing and Disagreeing
第2回 Illustrate LS for Asking for information
Demonstrate F4BC in Meeting management: For checking for understanding
第3回 Determine LS for Confirming information
第4回 Compare LS for Deciding, Refusing, and Promising
Prioritize F4BC for Meeting management: To Present information
第5回 Contrasting LZ for Complaining and Apologizing and LS for Expressing feelings
第6回 Apply LS for Describing Products and Processes
第7回 Model LS for Giving directions and instructions
Propose F4BC for Meeting management: To solve problems
第8回 Use LS to give advice and support opinions with reasons
Simplify F4BC in Meeting management: By making explanations and clarifications
第9回 Compose LS to make arrangements and get things done
第10回 Select LS to report information and construct questions
Deduce F4BC in Meeting management: To reach agreement
第11回 Modify LS to describe trends and make predictions
第12回 Infer LS used or requests and suggesting
Evaluate F4BC in Meeting management : For summarizing and consolidating
第13回 Explain LS for stating conditions
第14回 Create F4BS in Meeting management for roleplay and asses with feedback
第15回 Make use of LS in Bargaining to reach agreement and Dealing with numbers
授業外学習の課題 In the "flipped classroom" method of this course, students are expected to complete weekly out-of-class preparation (60 minutes) on individual & small group tasks for in-class language use in discussions and meetings, as in the real world. To allow for personalized learning targets, there are also an independent self-study project & portfolio (worked on outside of class – 3 hours) that are tailored to adult learners with diverse needs & skills.
履修上の注意事項 In class activities focus on: (1) mini lectures on business communication themes and real world accounts on applications of the relevant functions being discussed that week, (2) interaction in business communication and role plays with strategies to deal with any communication breakdown, and (3) practical workshop tasks on meeting management skills.
Class resources will be supported by using Google Classroom. (*Please have access to a dictionary.) Please participate actively and attend regularly with limited absences.
成績評価の方法・基準 Weekly homework on functional English with 3-2-1 takeaways 20%, an oral & written business English in use portfolio record 20%, a meeting management workbook & role play scenarios 25%, an independent study project 20%, and active participation in class 15%.
テキスト To be confirmed in class following an initial needs analysis
参考文献 "Market Leader Business Grammar and Usage" series by P. Strutt, Pearson Longman Business English.
"Business Vocabulary in Use" series by B.Mascull, Cambridge University Press.
主な関連科目 国際コミュニケーションⅡ
Feedback will be provided on assignments and submissions using grading sheets or scoring rubrics (some as quizzes in Google Classroom) along with my descriptive comments within 2 weeks. Please contact me by email or see me after class with any questions. grouault@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp
Office hours: Tues Per 4 14:45 - 16:15 Bldg 8, 1F (Manabi Commons) or by appointment at my office (Bldg 3-323).
添付ファイル Rubric - Course Grade.pdf 説明
URLリンク http://www.newgeneralservicelist.org/
URLリンク http://www.newgeneralservicelist.org/

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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