授業コード 90711300 単位数 2
科目名 英語プレゼンテーションⅡ クラス
履修期 後期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 JENSEN, Paul E. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 English Academic Writing and Presentation Skills
学修の概要 Students will use all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) to write and present academic essays in English.

Students will produce one (1) academic paper, and at the end of the course, will give an oral presentation based on the content of that paper using Microsoft PowerPoint or similar presentation software.
学修の到達目標 By the end of this course, students will have developed the following skills:

• Brainstorm for ideas and topics
• Find reliable sources of information
• Take effective notes
• Organize information correctly
• Add support to claims
• Fix errors in spelling, grammar, and logic
• Avoid plagiarism (論文の盗作・剽窃の避け方)

• Design effective note cards and PowerPoint slides
• Speak loudly and clearly, using proper rhythm and pitch
• Use body language (posture, gestures, and eye contact)
• Manage speaking anxiety
• Give kind feedback
授業計画 第1回 Course introduction (lesson contents, evaluation criteria, etc.)
Unit 1: What is a Research Paper?
Unit 2: Topics
第2回 Unit 3: Research
第3回 Unit 4: The Beginning Thesis Statement
第4回 Unit 5: The Working Outline
Unit 6: Revising the Thesis Statement and Working Outline
第5回 Unit 7: Writing the First Draft
Unit 8: Writing the Title
第6回 Unit 9: Writing the Introduction

Unit 10: Support, Accuracy and Logic
Unit 11: Writing the Body
第8回 Unit 12: Writing the Conclusion
第9回 Unit 13: Avoiding Plagiarism: Citing and Quoting Sources
Unit 14: Writing the Reference List
第10回 Draft 1 due
Peer reading and feedback
Unit 15: Evaluating and Rewriting Your Paper
第11回 Talk about Draft 1
Presentation techniques (1):
• Openers, closers, and signal phrases
• Body language, eye contact, and voice
第12回 Draft 2 due
Peer reading and feedback
Presentation techniques (2):
• Creating and using note cards
• Using PowerPoint

Draft 2 Review
Peer reading and feedback
第14回 Draft 3 due
Peer reading and feedback
Unit 19: An End and a Beginning
Oral presentation practice
第15回 Talk about Draft 3
Talk about Final Draft
Oral presentations
Course conclusion
授業外学習の課題 Students will spend about 20–30 minutes each week reading from the textbook and working on their paper drafts.
履修上の注意事項 • Lessons for this course will be taught in English.
• This is a blended course. Lessons will be taught in-person and online-only through Google Classroom.
授業は基本として対面で実施する予定ですが、Google Classromでオンラインのみの授業を実施するときもあります。
• Homework will be assigned through Google Classroom. The instructor will provide the class code during the first lesson.
ホームワーク(予習、課題等)はGoogle Classroomで行います。class codeは第1回目の授業で配布されます。
• Excused absences will be treated as absences, but they will not affect the requirements for credit.
成績評価の方法・基準 • 80% for four (4) Paper Drafts (Drafts 1–3 and Final)
• 20% for one (1) Oral Presentation

Students will receive feedback from the instructor in the form of written comments and face-to-face discussion. Papers and presentations will be scored according to their overall quality and how well they meet certain requirements.
テキスト Basic Steps to Writing Research Papers (2nd Edition)
David E. Kluge and Matthew A. Taylor (2018)
Cengage Learning
ISBN: 978-4-863-12308-3
参考文献 David E. Kluge and Matthew A. Taylor (2011)
Basic Steps to Academic Writing
Cengage Learning
ISBN: 978-4-863-12209-3

Content from other texts may be introduced during the course.

An advanced learner's English dictionary (online, electronic, or paper) is highly recommended for this course. For example:

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (9th Edition)
ISBN: 978-0-194-79879-2

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (4th Edition)
ISBN: 978-1-107-61950-0

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary (Illustrated Edition)
ISBN: 978-0-877-79550-6
主な関連科目 英語プレゼンテーションⅠ
I will be available before or after class for questions and feedback. If there is not enough time to talk before or after class, please contact me through Google Classroom, by e-mail, and/or make an appointment to meet with me in my office. I will provide my contact information on the first day of class.
URLリンク Textbook

  AA A B C D
Papers Papers use all of the skills learned and follow all of the guidelines given during the course Papers use most of the skills learned and follow most of the guidelines given during the course Papers use some of the skills learned and follow some of the guidelines given during the course Papers use few of the skills learned and/or follow few of the guidelines given during the course Papers use none of very few of the skills learned and follow none or very few of the guidelines given during the course
Presentation Presentation is easy to follow and shows a clear understanding of the topic of research Presentation is mostly easy to follow and shows a mostly clear understanding of the topic of research Presentation is somewhat easy to follow and shows a somewhat clear understanding of the topic of research Presentation is somewhat difficult to follow and/or shows a somewhat unclear understanding of the topic of research Presentation is very difficult to follow and/or shows a very unclear understanding of the topic of research

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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