授業コード | 90320021 | 単位数 | 2 |
科目名 | 課題研究Ⅰ | クラス | 21 |
履修期 | 前期授業 | カリキュラム | *下表参考 |
担当者 | RONALD, James M. | 配当年次 | *下表参考 |
授業の題目 | Academic report and literature-informed reflections |
学修の概要 | The goal of this course is to guide students in the development of their experiences or ideas into focused reports and reflections, informed by literature in their field. |
学修の到達目標 | The student will become a competent writer of focused academic reports. |
授業計画 | 第1回 | Laying the foundations: From the total structure of the report to the component elements. First draft of first part of Introduction. |
第2回 | Exploring the academic field: identifying relevant sub-fields and academic works. First draft of second part of Introduction: Introduction to the field |
第3回 | Taking one sample experience: adding a literature review and reflections. | |
第4回 | Reviewing the sample experience report. Reference list guidelines. |
第5回 | Planning the report: contents, elements, timing. | |
第6回 | Second experience report planning and writing. | |
第7回 | Third experience report planning and writing. Review second experience report. |
第8回 | Fourth experience report planning and writing. Review third experience report. |
第9回 | Fifth experience report planning and writing. Review fourth experience report. |
第10回 | Sixth experience report planning and writing. Review fifth experience report. |
第11回 | Seventh experience report planning and writing. Review sixth experience report. |
第12回 | Eighth experience report planning and writing. Review seventh experience report. Report Conclusion |
第13回 | Review eighth experience report. Report Introduction part I revision. Report Conclusion revision. |
第14回 | Report Introduction part 2 revision. Reference list completion. |
第15回 | Complete review of report. |
授業外学習の課題 | Most of the work for this course will be outside class: report writing, identifying and reading references, writing literature-informed reflections. 6-12 hours per week. |
履修上の注意事項 | 英語英文学科で提供している科目については、公認欠席を含め、欠席はいかなる事情があっても4回までとします。 |
成績評価の方法・基準 | Class participation 30%, completed annotated portfolio 70% |
テキスト | No text, but reference to many academic works. |
参考文献 | Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates (3rd edition) Mike Wallace and Alison Wray (Sage). |
主な関連科目 | |
オフィスアワー及び 質問・相談への対応 |
Extra meetings will be arranged as needed. |
所属 | ナンバリングコード | 適用入学年度 | 配当年次 | 身につく能力 | ||||
知識・技能 | 思考力 | 判断力 | 表現力 | 協創力 | ||||
人文科学研究科M英文学専攻 | - | 2018~2020 | 1・2 | - | - | - | - | - |
人文科学研究科M英文学専攻 | - | 2021~2023 | 1・2 | - | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
人文科学研究科M英文学専攻 | 22500 | 2024~2024 | 1・2 | - | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |