授業コード | 26001300 | 単位数 | 2 |
科目名 | 英語研究特講(American English and Fi | クラス | |
履修期 | 前期授業 | カリキュラム | *下表参考 |
担当者 | Taras A. Sak | 配当年次 | *下表参考 |
授業の題目 | 英語研究特講(American English and Movies) |
学修の概要 | In this class, we will watch a film called The Truman Show, and read most of the screenplay while working our way through a textbook based on the film, in order to help students maintain and improve their current level of English. We will also watch selections from two other movies related to the same theme (What is real? What is "phony" or "fake"? How can we tell the difference in this media-saturated world?) in order to deepen students' understanding of American society at the time period depicted in the film and how it might be related to today's world. |
学修の到達目標 | In this course, you will learn many new vocabulary terms, how to study independently, and how to critically approach film. Your learning outcome will be determined by the amount of time and effort you put into studying each week. The instructor hopes this will be an enjoyable, challenging class, in which students can learn more about media and "reality TV" in the USA, improve their English skills, and prepare for higher-level discussion and research in seminar (zemi). You should spend two hours per week reviewing old material and two additional hours preparing for the next class with new material. |
授業計画 | 第1回 | Week 1 Introduction & Orientation; course expectations; discussion of some questions on "reality TV" and SNS; begin It's a Wonderful Life (part 1), as background to The Truman Show, and complete Movie Worksheet 1. |
第2回 | Week 2 Finish watching It's a Wonderful Life (part 2) and discuss the meaning of the film; in-class activities related to the film, including Movie Worksheet 2; Response Paper #1 (on It's a Wonderful Life) due next week; make sure to have the textbook ready for next week (week 3). | |
第3回 | Week 3 Response Paper #1 due; textbook Unit 1; begin The Truman Show (part 1); finish all textbook exercises; class discussion. | |
第4回 | Week 4 Textbook Unit 2; continue The Truman Show (part 2); class discussion. | |
第5回 | Week 5 Textbook Unit 3; continue The Truman Show (part 3); class discussion. | |
第6回 | Week 6 Textbook Unit 4; continue The Truman Show (part 4); class discussion. | |
第7回 | Week 7 Textbook Unit 5; continue The Truman Show (part 5); class discussion. | |
第8回 | Week 8 Textbook Unit 6; continue The Truman Show (part 6); class discussion. | |
第9回 | Week 9 Textbook Unit 7; continue The Truman Show (part 7); class discussion. | |
第10回 | Week 10 Textbook Unit 8; continue The Truman Show (part 8); class discussion. | |
第11回 | Week 11 Textbook Unit 9; continue The Truman Show (part 9); class discussion. | |
第12回 | Week 12 Textbook Unit 10; finish The Truman Show (part 10); class discussion; Response Paper #2 (on The Truman Show) due next week. | |
第13回 | Week 13 Response Paper #2 due; begin Groundhog Day (part 1); while watching, work on Movie Worksheet 3; class discussion. | |
第14回 | Week 14 Continue Groundhog Day (part 2); continue working on Movie Worksheet 4; class discussion. | |
第15回 | Week 15 Finish Groundhog Day (part 3); complete Movie Worksheet 5; class discussion and course summary; Response Paper #3 (comparing It's a Wonderful Life, The Truman Show, and Groundhog Day) due one week after final class (by email). |
授業外学習の課題 | Students are expected to study for around four hours per week out of class. 1) Two hours should be spent previewing the material for the next class (e.g. textbook, handouts, internet research). 2) Two hours should be spent reviewing notes and materials from the previous class. The main movie for this class is called The Truman Show. The textbook and most of our in-class activities are connected to this movie, so in case you miss a class session, or if we have to teach online and you must study from your home, then you must have access to this movie. If you can watch it online (streaming, for example) or if you can rent it or buy it on DVD, then you can follow the textbook and the lessons. If you cannot access this movie, either online or in DVD format, it will not be possible to complete the work (in the case of online teaching). Please consider this when enrolling in this class. |
履修上の注意事項 | 【対面授業を実施します】 The course schedule and film screenings/scenes are tentative and subject to change. 英語英文学科で提供している科目については、公認欠席を含め、欠席はいかなる事情があっても4回までとします。 As a general rule, credits will not be granted if a student is absent more than 4 times. In addition, contact needs to be made in advance of any absences. |
成績評価の方法・基準 | Your grade will be based on: (1) In-class and/or online (Google Classroom) Activities = 25% (2) Response Papers (1-3) = 25% (3) Movie Worksheets (1-5) = 25% (4) Completed Textbook Assignments = 25% |
テキスト | Required text: The Truman Show【New Format Edition】/映画総合教材『トゥルーマン・ショー』【新装版】 (著者)Andrew Niccol (編著)Kim R. Kanel 神谷久美子 ISBN 978-4-88198-569-4 Available for purchase from the university co-op bookstore (Seikyo). |
参考文献 | |
主な関連科目 | |
オフィスアワー及び 質問・相談への対応 |
Students with questions about the class are encouraged to meet with me before or after the class or to contact me by email. I will provide enrolled students my email address on the first day of the course. I will provide feedback on assignments and student performance before or after class or by email. |
所属 | ナンバリングコード | 適用入学年度 | 配当年次 | 身につく能力 | ||||
知識・技能 | 思考力 | 判断力 | 表現力 | 協創力 | ||||
人文学部英語英文学科(専攻科目) | - | 2014~2016 | 2・3・4 | - | - | - | - | - |
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) | FHEN30308 | 2017~2022 | 2・3・4 | - | - | - | - | - |
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) | FHEN30308 | 2023~2023 | 2・3・4 | ○ | ○ | - | - | - |
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) | 22300 | 2024~2024 | 2・3・4 | ○ | ○ | - | - | - |