授業コード | 20094500 | 単位数 | 2 |
科目名 | 英語学・英語教育学ゼミナールC(社会と言語) | クラス | |
履修期 | 前期授業 | カリキュラム | *下表参考 |
担当者 | RONALD, James M. | 配当年次 | *下表参考 |
授業の題目 | Language Varieties: Dialect, Gender, Bilingualism |
学修の概要 | During this semester we will look at various aspects of the relationship between language and society, focusing mainly on Japanese and English. |
学修の到達目標 | To apply what we learn in class to our language environment outside, to read critically, and to learn to use academic references. |
授業計画 | 第1回 | The triangle of a seminar group (academic, social, pastoral); Intercultural competence I: reading definitions. Names: Learning, investigating Sociolinguistics: definitions, scope (book review details) |
第2回 | Sociolinguistics: Dialects, standards; Definitions, issues (books for review) Greetings: Planning and starting a research project Intercultural competence II: specific situations. |
第3回 | Pidgins and Creoles (book review questions) "Inglan is a bitch", Tok Pisin, Singlish Intercultural competence III: what would you do? |
第4回 | Dialect and education (book review deadline) Greetings: Collecting, compiling data for our research project Intercultural competence IV: Can we apply it to our class? |
第5回 | Dialect and education: essay details Greetings: What greetings, who, when, why? Hypotheses |
第6回 | Dialect and education: finding and using references Greetings in a TV program Greetings research report: contents |
第7回 | Bilingualism: from countries to families to individuals. Take a topic and investigate it. Greetings research report: Introduction and outline I |
第8回 | Reporting on types of bilingual (essay 1st draft) Greetings research report: Introduction and outline II |
第9回 | Women's and men's language use (essay feedback) Greetings research report: Literature Review I |
第10回 | Women's and men's language use (essay 2nd draft) Discussion - Watch your language! Greetings research report: Literature Review II |
第11回 | Language change; focus on clothes. Imagining research projects Greetings research report: The research description |
第12回 | Sociolinguistics final topic - we decide together Greetings research report: Results |
第13回 | Sociolinguistics final topic - investigate Greetings research report: Discussion |
第14回 | Sociolinguistics final topic - share findings Greetings research report: Conclusion |
第15回 | Greetings research report: References |
授業外学習の課題 | Well before each class, check any messages or emails and follow instructions to be prepared for the class. After each class, check what you have to do, and when by - homework and other tasks. Preparation for presentation, book reviews, planning and conducting a research project, finding and using references. 2-4 hours per week. |
履修上の注意事項 | 【対面授業を実施します】 We will have classes face to face, but will also use Google Classroom, Google Documents and other online tools for any online or "on-demand" classes. 英語英文学科で提供している科目については、公認欠席を含め、欠席はいかなる事情があっても4回までとします。 If possible, contact your teacher in advance if you will be late or absent. |
成績評価の方法・基準 | Evaluation will be based on written work (60%), oral reports and presentations (20%) Class participation will also affect students' grades (20%). |
テキスト | Handouts will be provided. |
参考文献 | If you can, before the course starts, read any short introductory book on Sociolinguistics (社会言語学) - in Japanese. This will help you understand and participate more fully in this course. |
主な関連科目 | |
オフィスアワー及び 質問・相談への対応 |
If you're not sure what to do or need some kind of guidance, tell me. In class, after class, in my office, by phone or E-mail (ronald@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp), in English or Japanese - just don't keep silent! Written work will typically be given feedback, then revised by students. |
所属 | ナンバリングコード | 適用入学年度 | 配当年次 | 身につく能力 | ||||
知識・技能 | 思考力 | 判断力 | 表現力 | 協創力 | ||||
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) | FHEN30322 | 2017~2022 | 3・4 | - | - | - | - | - |
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) | FHEN30322 | 2023~2023 | 3・4 | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) | 22400 | 2024~2024 | 3・4 | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | ○ |