授業コード | 20087606 | 単位数 | 2 |
科目名 | Writing Ⅲ | クラス | 06 |
履修期 | 前期授業 | カリキュラム | *下表参考 |
担当者 | U.M. Styczek | 配当年次 | *下表参考 |
授業の題目 | Writing III 06 |
学修の概要 | This course focuses on developing academic writing skills. The desired outcome of Semester 1 is for students to write well-structured sentences and paragraphs, and to gain knowledge of what is involved in successful academic writing. By the end of the course you should increase confidence in your ability in order to meet new writing and reading tasks, to correct basic grammar mistakes, and to use a variety of writing skills, such as the following: - editing your partners’ writings, - taking notes and writing from notes, - organizing different forms of writings, - using appropriate language for different writing types, - writing descriptions and stories, - writing your opinions on various issues, and others. Every two weeks we will have writing tests to prepare yourselves for speedy writing and fast comprehension. |
学修の到達目標 | The overall aim of the Writing course is for students to gain confidence in effectively structuring sentences, paragraphs, and longer passages of written academic English. Become a self-confident English reader and writer by making students experience different kinds of writing and reading, such as basic compositions, personal and business letters, narrative stories, stating opinions. |
授業計画 | 第1回 | 1. General introduction to the course, writing about your holidays |
第2回 | Unit 1 : The Sentence and the Paragraph : Part 1 (capitalization and end punctuation) | |
第3回 | Unit 1 : The Sentence and the Paragraph : Part 2 (fragments and run-on sentences) | |
第4回 | Unit 2 : Descriptive Paragraphs: Part 1 (adjectives in descriptive writing) | |
第5回 | Unit 2 :Descriptive Paragraphs: Part 2 (using BE to describe and to define) | |
第6回 | Unit 3: Example Paragraphs Part 1 ( subject-verb agreement) | |
第7回 | Unit 3 : Example Paragraphs Part 2 ( the simple present) | |
第8回 | Unit 4 : Process Paragraphs Part 1 ( time-order words in process paragraphs) | |
第9回 | Unit 4: Process Paragraphs Part 2 (imperatives and modals) | |
第10回 | Unit 5: Narrative Paragraphs Part 1 (orders of events in narrative paragraphs) | |
第11回 | Unit 5: Narrative Paragraphs Part 2 (the simple past) | |
第12回 | Unit 5 : Narrative Paragraphs Part 3 (the past continuous) | |
第13回 | Unit 6 : Opinion Paragraphs Part 1 ( because of and because to give reasons) | |
第14回 | Unit 6: Opinion Paragraphs Part 2 (opinion organizations) | |
第15回 | Unit 6: Opinion Paragraphs Part 3 (facts and experiences) 16. Final test: writing an essay on a selected topic |
授業外学習の課題 | Students are expected to study for around four hours per week out of class. 1) Two hours should be spent previewing the material for the next class (e.g. textbook, handouts, internet research). 2) Two hours should be spent reviewing notes and materials from the previous class. Finishing reading, writing and looking up new words or doing exercises at home if we do not have enough time to do so in class. Almost every second week you will be assigned to write an essay. Write them at home and bring them REGULARLY to class. Online Practice (internet) must be done regularly after each unit. Please preview 2-3 pages ahead of each new unit, and review the part of the material from the completed unit. You are supposed to study at least 120 minutes per week. I will be checking your reports online (Google Classroom), so please read my comments. |
履修上の注意事項 | You will be required to correct your mistakes and your partners' mistakes in the assignments, write questions and comments to them; to practice writing during class; to finish uncompleted written assignments in your own time; to submit your essays on time. The classes will be conducted face-to-face. 対面授業を実施します 英語英文学科で提供している科目については、公認欠席を含め、欠席はいかなる事情があっても4回までとします。 また、欠席については事前に連絡をすること。 As a general rule, credits will not be granted if a student is absent more than 4 times. In addition, contact needs to be made in advance of any absences. |
成績評価の方法・基準 | The grade for the semester is composed of : 1. active participation in class (sleeping is not allowed!): reports and exercises in your textbook written during the class, regular submission of your writing projects prepared at home (submitted regularly and on the scheduled time). Be careful: essays given once at the end of the semester will not be accepted. (50%) 2. comprehension tests: a timed writing test after each unit and the final test in a form of an essay (50%). There will not be any midterm tests. Regular attendance is necessary to complete the whole course If a student is absent from a class, it is the STUDENT'S responsibility to contact a classmate or the teacher to find out about the classwork/homework. Even if you are absent, you have to submit all classwork/homework. |
テキスト | Effective Academic Writing Second Edition 1 The Paragraph by Alice Savage and Masoud Shafiei Oxford University Press ISBN 978-0-19-432346-8 |
参考文献 | None |
主な関連科目 | |
オフィスアワー及び 質問・相談への対応 |
I do not have my own office at this university, so please do not hesitate to approach me and ask for any advice. Let’s make a deal to speak only in English. Remember: nobody is perfect but we have to do our best. I will be communicate with you also though Google Classroom. Contact me also by email styczek@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp |
所属 | ナンバリングコード | 適用入学年度 | 配当年次 | 身につく能力 | ||||
知識・技能 | 思考力 | 判断力 | 表現力 | 協創力 | ||||
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) | FHEN20107 | 2017~2022 | 2・3・4 | - | - | - | - | - |
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) | FHEN20107 | 2023~2023 | 2・3・4 | ○ | - | - | ○ | - |
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) | 22300 | 2024~2024 | 2・3・4 | ○ | - | - | ○ | - |