授業コード 20086607 単位数 1
科目名 Active English Ⅲ クラス 07
履修期 第2学期 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 McGREGOR, Robert J. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 Active English Ⅲ
学修の概要 This term’s focus is on project work: language, pictures and film, language teaching. It will require discussion, cooperation, creativity, as well as continued extensive
reading. Critical thinking will also be an intrinsic part of the course for this term.
学修の到達目標 Students will need to prepare for each class, to read, find or create materials outside class, and to consider topics related to English in the world. We will
continue to have reading as part of our classes
授業計画 第1回 Sharing stories; plans for this term; project discussion; extensive reading
第2回 Pictures I: look, think, make notes, prepare explanations or stories, prepare vocabulary; extensive reading
第3回 Pictures II: Share your pictures, questions, explanations and stories in new groups; extensive reading
第4回 Pictures III: Return to your group and tell about other groups' answers, pictures, explanations and stories; add to portfolio; extensive reading
第5回 Teaching I: Choose a unit from our terms 1, 2 coursebook. Small groups plan and prepare and practice teaching it; extensive reading
第6回 Teaching II: Each group teaches their part; class members participate and give feedback to teachers; extensive reading
第7回 Teaching III: Write what each other group did, what your group did plus evaluation; discuss classroom issues; add to portfolio; extensive reading
第8回 Linguistic landscapes I: In groups, share the English and pictures you found for your area: comment and categorize; extensive reading
第9回 Linguistic landscapes II: Write report of what, and so what; prepare written or visual creation ready to share; extensive reading
第10回 Linguistic landscapes III: Share with other groups what you found, learned, created. Write it up and add to portfolio. Extensive reading
第11回 Poetry or skits I: Focus on features of poetry in English - and start creating! Or prepare skits. Extensive reading
第12回 Poetry or skits II: Get ready to share and perform, react and respond to poems or skits. Add to portfolio. Extensive reading
第13回 Short films I: watch, think, make notes, prepare explanations and reactions, prepare vocabulary; extensive reading
第14回 Short films II: Share your films, vocabulary, questions, and discuss in new groups; extensive reading
第15回 Short films III: Return to your group and tell about other groups' films, and your discussions: portfolio; extensive reading
授業外学習の課題 Students are expected to study for around 1 hour for each Active English class.
1) 30 minutes should be spent previewing the material for the next class (e.g. textbook, handouts, internet research).
2) 30 minutes should be spent reviewing notes and materials from the previous class.
履修上の注意事項 英語英文学科で提供している科目については、公認欠席を含め、欠席はいかなる事情があっても4回までとします。
成績評価の方法・基準 Project work (40%), extensive reading (15%), weekly assignments (15%), final vocabulary test (30%). Feedback will be given for assignment and tests.
テキスト Handouts will be provided (in-class or through Google classroom) or created by students
Silence is not an option! If you have a problem or want to make a suggestion, find a way to communicate with your teacher, by writing or speaking. Students can also make contact by email (mcgregor@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp).

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) FHEN10103 2017~2022 1・2・3・4 - - - - -
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) FHEN10103 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 -
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) 22200 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 -