授業コード | 20086601 | 単位数 | 1 |
科目名 | Active English Ⅲ | クラス | 01 |
履修期 | 第2学期 | カリキュラム | *下表参考 |
担当者 | M.R. Williams | 配当年次 | *下表参考 |
授業の題目 | Active English Ⅲ |
学修の概要 | This course will focus on conversation strategies, extensive reading, and learner development. Through this course, students will have many opportunities to become more confident in speaking English, and to get to know each other. Topics will include talking about the things that are important to you. Lessons are dynamic and active offering a students a range of opportunities to develop their English skills. Guided by the teacher, this course is student-led, and emphasizes reflective learning, peer-teaching, self-evaluation. Lesson content is based on students interests, newss, current events, stories, and college activities. As far as possible,students will choose topics and activities to practice English. |
学修の到達目標 | Students will need to prepare for each class, to build on what we do in class, and read outside class, and to interesing topics that are part of everyday life but may not often be discussed.Students will work in pairs and small groups to prepare and lead several activities. In each lesson all four skills are practiced, and students will be expected to read, write and listen in preparation for speaking in class. They will also write reports based on class activities. Students are expected to monitor and develop their own learning strategies as well as evaluate the learning experience provided by each lesson. In discussions students will be expected to demonstrate critical thinking and the appropriate use of evidence in argument. Students should show that they are reading in English. |
授業計画 | 第1回 | Introduction to the class and course overview. Learning Strategies/Teaching Strategies. Skill emphasis- Speaking, Reading, Note-taking and Discussion. Review. |
第2回 | Thinking about English. CEFR levels. Goal setting and learning strategies. Make a plan to learn. Extensive reading. Reminders about Google Classroom. | |
第3回 | Pragmatics I Reacting to personal news. Sharing and eliciting stories. Extensive reading. | |
第4回 | Pragmatics II Reacting to News. Eliciting stories. Developing deeper conversations.Extensive reading. | |
第5回 | Small Group discussions I : Expressing opinions with reasons and evidence. Discussion Language.Extensive reading. | |
第6回 | Small Group discussions II : Expressing Opinions with evidence. Discussion Language.Extensive reading. | |
第7回 | Team Building activities I Language of Cooperation. Discussion language.Extensive reading. | |
第8回 | Team Building activities II Language of Cooperation. Discussion language.Extensive reading. | |
第9回 | Discussing News I Preparation. Language. Discussion questions.Extensive reading. | |
第10回 | Discussing News I Discussion. Reflection.Extensive reading. | |
第11回 | Pragmatics/Register/Conversational styles. Activities/Games to faciliate entertaining and satisfying conversations.Extensive reading. | |
第12回 | Group Discussion Student Choice (Topics on Life). Effective Use of Evidence.Discussion Language.Extensive reading. | |
第13回 | Group Discussion Student Choice (Topics on Culture). Effective Use of Evidence.Discussion Language.Extensive reading. | |
第14回 | Progress and Reflection. Keeping Motivated. The power of Reading. Web and Apps preparation.Extensive reading. |
第15回 | Learning in the Vacation. Sharing tips and advice on how to use the web, apps etc to keep learning.Making Learning plans.Extensive reading. |
授業外学習の課題 | Students are expected to study for around 1 hour for each Active English class. 1) 30 minutes should be spent previewing the material for the next class (e.g. textbook, handouts, internet research). 2) 30 minutes should be spent reviewing notes and materials from the previous class. |
履修上の注意事項 | 【対面授業を実施します】 We will have classes face to face, but will also use Google Classroom, Google Documents and other online tools for any on-demand classes. 英語英文学科で提供している科目については、公認欠席を含め、欠席はいかなる事情があっても4回までとします。 |
成績評価の方法・基準 | Communication Skills Assessment (30%), extensive reading (15%), quizzes (15%), final tests/tasks (20%), class participation (20%). Feedback will be given on assignments and tests.There will be a final test at the end of term.【期末試験】有 |
テキスト | Lesson Materials will be provided by the teacher or made by students. |
参考文献 | |
主な関連科目 | |
オフィスアワー及び 質問・相談への対応 |
Silence is not an option! If you have a problem or want to make a suggestion, find a way to communicate with your teacher, by writing or speaking.Students are expected to be active and independent learners and therefore need to as much work outside the class to improve their English skills. Students should prepare for every lesson. Keep notes of the content of each lesson. Record new vocabulary and expressions. Review each lesson. All students must bring a dictionary to class (smartphone is OK), a folder for handouts and writing. |
所属 | ナンバリングコード | 適用入学年度 | 配当年次 | 身につく能力 | ||||
知識・技能 | 思考力 | 判断力 | 表現力 | 協創力 | ||||
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) | FHEN10103 | 2017~2022 | 1・2・3・4 | - | - | - | - | - |
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) | FHEN10103 | 2023~2023 | 1・2・3・4 | ○ | ○ | - | ○ | ○ |
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) | 22200 | 2024~2024 | 1・2・3・4 | ○ | ○ | - | ○ | ○ |