授業コード 20040700 単位数 2
科目名 英語の諸相Ⅲ(英語の語彙) クラス
履修期 後期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 RONALD, James M. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 About English Words: Aspects and Acquisition
学修の概要 Through this course we will study about different aspects of English words, including word meanings, word forms, word relations, and language change. We will also focus on words in our minds: word knowledge and vocabulary learning.
学修の到達目標 One area of learner development will be the application of what we learn about English to Japanese. We will also investigate and evaluate different ways of building our vocabulary.
授業計画 第1回 The many facets of words.
The history of English in 90 minutes! Choose two words for a 10-week project
第2回 Etymology
Two-word reports Week 1: Etymology
Vocabulary learning: Breadth and depth
第3回 Word learning
Two-word reports Week 2: Meanings
第4回 Corpus linguistics, New General Service List
Two-word reports Week 3: Frequency
第5回 Collocation
Two-word reports Week 4: Collocation
第6回 Words and pronunciation. Checking BBC Learning English Resources
Two-word reports Week 5: Compound words, variety, register, and formality
第7回 Ways of learning words
第8回 Discourse markers: speaking and writing
Two-word reports Week 6: Your words in Japan
第9回 Online resources I
Two-word reports Week 7: Using references, reference list
第10回 Online resources II
Two-word reports Week 8: Introduction and Outline
第11回 Everyday expressions
Two-word reports Week 9: Conclusion
第12回 Register: from formal words to slang (which do you know
Two-word reports Week 10: Full report
第13回 Varieties of English: UK, US, Australia, Jamaica
Google Translate, DeepL, and vocabulary learning.
第14回 Changing words: imported, created, shortened
Chat GPT: How to make this a vocabulary learning resource I
第15回 Review
Chat GPT: How to make this a vocabulary learning resource I
授業外学習の課題 Work outside class will include vocabulary learning, reading short passages in English, and worksheets for the different topics of the course. Typically, 2 hours per week.
履修上の注意事項 【対面授業を実施します】
We will have classes face to face, but will also use Google Classroom, Google Documents and other online tools for any on-demand classes.

If possible, contact your teacher in advance if you will be late or absent.
成績評価の方法・基準 Good attendance is necessary, as is regular completion and submission of short assignments (50%) and a final full report (50%)
テキスト No textbook, but students will need to refer to dictionaries.
参考文献 At times we will refer to English-English and English-Japanese dictionaries (please bring your electronic dictionary to class).
If you're not sure what to do or need some kind of guidance, tell me. In class, after class, in my office, by phone or E-mail (ronald@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp) in English or Japanese - just don't keep silent! You will receive feedback on all submitted work.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
人文学部英語英文学科(専攻科目) 2014~2016 2・3・4 - - - - -
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) FHEN30302 2017~2022 2・3・4 - - - - -
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) FHEN30302 2023~2023 2・3・4 - - -
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) 22300 2024~2024 2・3・4 - - -