授業コード 10002100 単位数 2
科目名 国際ビジネスコミュニケーションⅢ クラス
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 ROUAULT, Gregory T. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 上級貿易通信 International Business Communication III
学修の概要 This task-based course focuses on creating a “real-life” English-communication environment in the classroom. Students simulate being interns at a new cutting-edge company where they work alone, in pairs, and in small groups to perform workplace and business-related tasks. All classroom activities are realistically connected; all conversations, discussions, video calls, interviews, and written outputs as well as presentations have a contextual purpose - similar to using English while working in a real company.
[Instructor's practical experience: Engaged in training, sales & marketing in packaged goods companies in Canada and in business English training in Japan for Nestle, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Kawasaki, Nihon Felt (Ambic), and Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim]
学修の到達目標 This course employs a 'strong' version of TBL (task-based learning) organized according to the task complexity of the projects rather than by language forms. The primary goal is to develop communicative competence in English (rather than grammatical accuracy) through meaningful tasks relevant to real world business practices.
授業計画 第1回 ガイダンス
LESSON 1 - WELCOME ABOARD - Your first day on the job
第2回 LESSON 2 - THE DREAM TEAM - Meeting your team, Water cooler chat
Halico reader: "First Week on the Job"
第3回 LESSON 3 - THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX - Creative inventions
第4回 LESSON 4 - THE PRODUCT PROPOSAL - Elevator speech
第5回 LESSON 5 - CALL THE SHOTS - Take charge in new product analysis
Halico reader: "The Product Launch"
第6回 LESSON 6 - A TEAM DECISION - Product review memo
第7回 LESSON 7 - KNOW YOUR MARKET - Project briefing report & Focus Group Surveys
第8回 LESSON 8 - Poster presentation & Feedback
第9回 LESSON 9 - ANALYSIS AND REPORT - Analyze Focus Group results
第10回 LESSON 10 - GET THE WORD OUT - Media messaging
第11回 LESSON 11 - PREPARE A VIDEO COMMERCIAL - Explaining solutions to a problem
Halico reader: "Job Interview"
第13回 LESSON 13 - THE MAIN EVENT - Advertising campaign presentations and peer feedback
第14回 LESSON 14 - DON'T SELL YOURSELF SHORT - Meetings and discussions
第15回 LESSON 15 - THE INTERVIEW - Face-to-face communications for job hunting
授業外学習の課題 Outside of class, students are expected to balance (1) 60 minutes of preparation time between completing solo tasks assigned as homework, working on the stages of their independent study project, and reviewing & previewing lessons along with (b) addi
tional time (2-3 hours) needed to prepare for group work tasks & projects.
履修上の注意事項 Students in this English-based course work solo and in small teams with different members acting as Project Manager for stages 2-5 (which increase in complexity & challenge) with videos to support student roleplays in authentic business communications.
1) Please arrive on time, attend all lessons (with limited absenteeism), and participate actively in this class taught in English. (*Please have access to a dictionary).
2) If you will be absent, please inform your instructor in advance and check with classmates to find out a) what was covered, b) the homework, & c) what to prepare for next class.
成績評価の方法・基準 Business communication video 10%, Poster presentation 15%, Marketing research project & report 20%, Advertising campaign & presentation 20%, Speaking tasks (meetings & interviews) 15%, Independent self-study project 10%, Active participation 10% (with self, peer, & teacher assessments).
テキスト M. Benevides & C. Valvona "Widgets Inc: A task-based course in workplace English" Atama-ii Books, 2018. ISBN: 978-194-11-4000-0
参考文献 Additional worksheets and self-study materials will be provided in class by the instructor or posted online in Google Classroom for viewing or downloading together with assignment deadlines. Halico readers are available online thru the Shudo Library.
主な関連科目 国際ビジネスコミュニケーションIV / International Business Communication IV
Feedback will be provided on assignments and reports using grading sheets or scoring rubrics along with descriptive comments within 2 weeks.
Please contact me by email or see me after class with any questions. grouault@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp
オフィスアワーOffice hours Tues Per 4 14:45 – 16:15 Bldg 8, 1F (Manabi Commons) or by appointment at my office (Bldg 3-323)
添付ファイル Presentation Rubric 2024.pdf 説明
添付ファイル Presentation Score Sheet.pdf 説明
URLリンク Widgets website

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
商学部商学科(E群) FCBS35313 2018~2022 3・4 - - - - -
商学部商学科(E群) FCBS35313 2023~2023 3・4 -
商学部商学科(E群) 11300 2024~2024 3・4 -
商学部経営学科(E群) FCBA35313 2018~2022 3・4 - - - - -
商学部経営学科(E群) FCBA35313 2023~2023 3・4 -
商学部経営学科(E群) 12300 2024~2024 3・4 -
経済科学部現代経済学科(I群) 41300 2024~2024 3・4 -
経済科学部経済情報学科(I群) 42300 2024~2024 3・4 -
法学部国際政治学科(H群) 2015~2016 3・4 - - - - -