授業コード 06105546 単位数 2
科目名 MCP(Video Games Studies) クラス 46
履修期 後期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 JENSEN, Paul E. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 Video Game Studies
学修の概要 In this course, students will examine the origin and evolution of video games in North America and Japan and their connection to culture. Students will survey a variety of video games across several decades, and complete a series of paper-based Design and Localization Challenges in groups.
学修の到達目標 By the end of the course, students should have an understanding of basic electronics and computer hardware components, be familiar with a wide array of video game genres, and know how to design video games within certain technological limits.
授業計画 第1回 Course Introduction
Early Video Game History (1940s–1970s)
第2回 The 1970s: Arcade Games, Gen 1 Home Consoles, Early PCs
Online Quiz 1
第3回 Design Challenge 1:
Work in a group to design a 1970s-style video game using a popular genre from the time
第4回 The 1980s: Arcade Games, Gen 2&3 Home Consoles, Early PCs (1)
第5回 The 1980s: Arcade Games, Gen 2&3 Home Consoles, Early PCs (2)
Online Quiz 2
第6回 Localization Challenge 1:
Work in a group to localize text from some 1980s video games

The 1990s: Arcade Games, Gen 4&5 Home Consoles, Early Modern PCs (1)
第8回 Design Challenge 2:
Design a 1980s-style video game using a popular genre from the time
第9回 The 1990s: Arcade Games, Gen 4&5 Home Consoles, Early Modern PCs (2)
Online Quiz 3
第10回 Localization Challenge 2:
Work in a group to localize text from some 1990s video games
第11回 Design Challenge 3:
Work in a group to design a 1990s-style video game using a popular genre from the time
第12回 The 2000s: Arcade Games, Gen 6–9 Home Consoles, Modern PCs
Online Quiz 4
第13回 Design Challenge 4:
Work in a group to design a modern video game using a popular modern genre

Continue working on Design Challenge 4
第15回 Present Results of Design Challenge 4
Course Conclusion
授業外学習の課題 Students will spend up to 3 hours each week reviewing course material and completing online quizzes. Students will spend at least a few hours preparing Design Challenge 4 outside of class.
履修上の注意事項 • This course is taught in English.
• This is a blended course. Lessons are taught both in person and through Google Classroom.
• This course requires at least TOEIC 500, TOEIC Bridge 81 or Eiken Level 2 for domestic students.
• This course DOES NOT REQUIRE any previous knowledge about video games, but knowledge of and/or interest in video games would be helpful.
• This is a course in basic video game concept design and localization. It IS NOT a course in professional software development (i.e. programming) or graphic design. Students ARE NOT REQUIRED to have any programming or graphic design skills, and none will be taught during the course.
• Challenges in this course will be done on paper. However, students with programming or graphic design skills MAY CHOOSE to use their skills for Design Challenge 4, as long as they can complete it on time.
• Each excused absence will be treated as an absence, but will not affect a student's overall grade. Students who miss a group Design or Localization Challenge due to an excused absence may complete the Challenge individually
成績評価の方法・基準 Grading is as follows:
• 60% for Design Challenges*
• 20% for Localization Challenges*
• 20% for Online Quizzes

*Design and Localization Challenges will be scored on overall effort/creativity, how well they meet the criteria/limitations of each Challenge, and how well they show an understanding of the material taught in class. The instructor will provide feedback in class and through Google Classroom.
テキスト There is no textbook for this course. Materials will be provided by the instructor.
参考文献 Students will be expected watch videos about video games on YouTube an/or other streaming services to supplement information learned in class.
主な関連科目 None.
Please talk to me before or after class if you need any help. If there is not enough time to talk before or after class, please contact me through Google Classroom, by e-mail, and/or make an appointment to meet with me in my office. I will provide my contact information on the first day of class.

  AA A B C D
Effort and Creativity Demonstrates an exceptional level of effort and/or creativity Demonstrates a high level of effort and/or creativity Demonstrates an average level of effort and/or creativity Demonstrates a below average level of effort and/or creativity Demonstrates little or no effort or creativity
Challenge criteria Meets all the requirements of the Challenge Meets most the requirements of the Challenge Meets some the requirements of the Challenge Meets few of the requirements of the Challenge Meets very few or none of the requirements of the Challenge
Understanding of material Shows an exceptional level of understanding Shows a high level of understanding Shows an average level of understanding Shows a below-average level of understanding Shows little of no understanding

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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