授業コード 06105445 単位数 2
科目名 MCP(Images of Japan) クラス 45
履修期 後期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 JAMES, Daniel 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 Multicultural Project (Images of Japan in Western Cinema)
学修の概要 This will cover the ways that Japan has been portrayed and presented in western English language cinema in the last 100 years. Lecture topic focus will be periodic and thematic as well as genre based. Contrasts between images held inside and outside of Japan will also be highlighted along with changes over time.
学修の到達目標 By the end of the course, students should have a better understanding, knowledge and appreciation of images of Japan and Japanese people in English language movies and the changes from the silent film era to modern day 21st century movies and TV programmes. They should also be aware of the differences of those images and the perceptions of them inside and outside of Japan.
授業計画 第1回 Introduction and explanation: A brief overview of the whole course will be detailed from the start of the silent film era to modern day 21st century movies and TV shows. The appraisal expectations and methods will also be outlined and explained.
第2回 Images of Japan and Japanese people in Western film 1910s-1920s: silent film and Sessue Hayakawa.
第3回 Images of Japan and Japanese people in Western film 1930s-1940s: The move into 'talkies' and 'yellowface'.
第4回 Images of Japan and Japanese people pre- and during World War 2.
第5回 Images of Hiroshima had Nagasaki the atomic bombing in English language film and TV.
第6回 Images of Japan and Japanese people post World War 2: the 1950s and 1960s.
第7回 Images of Japan and Japanese people in the 'Bubble Economy' and 'Japan Inc.': the 1980s and 1990s.
第8回 Images of Japan and Japanese people in animation and anime 1.
第9回 Images of Japan and Japanese people in animation and anime 2.
第10回 Images of Japan and Japanese people in manga, anime and its effect on Western sci-fi films and animation.
第11回 Images of Japan and Japanese people in modern day film: a return to respect?
第12回 Images of Japan and Japanese people in modern day TV series
第13回 Explanation of Students' Film Festival Presentations or final report length, contents and expectations
第14回 Students' Film Festival Poster Presentation 1

There will be two groups "Presenters" and "Questioners".
All "Presenters" will make an approximate 10 minute presentation.
Each "Presenter" will be asked at least one question by a "Questioner".
These roles will be reversed for week 15.
All students' presentations will be peer reviewed online by the other students in the class.
第15回 Students' Film Festival Poster Presentation 2

All "Presenters" will make an approximate 10 minute presentation.
Each "Presenter" will be asked at least one question by a "Questioner".
These roles will be the reverse of week 14.
All students' presentations will be peer reviewed online by the other students in the class.
授業外学習の課題 Students will be expected to actively and objectively watch films outside of class as well as think about them from the point of the intended audience as well as the film makers.
Students should expect to do at least 3 hours of outside-class work.
履修上の注意事項 This course is open to exchange students and Japanese students who have TOEIC 500+/TOEIC Bridge 81+ or Eiken Level 2 or equivalent.
Registration is by 'Web Entry' so only a limited students will be accepted into this course.

In order to succeed in this course students will need to:
1. Attend all classes in person
2.Actively participate in classes
3.Select and research a topic related to the theme of the course and then prepare and carry out a presentation or write a final report on it

A code for Google Classroom will given out in the first lesson.

If a student misses five or more classes then they will not be able to submit a final report and/or make a final presentation. Subsequently they will not gain credits for this class.
A student will be allowed to have up to three official absences (e.g. representing the university for sport or other such events) which will be classed as an 'absence' but will not affect the final student's grade. Authorised proof of the official absence will need to be submitted to the teacher.
成績評価の方法・基準 Students will be appraised on 3 (three) areas:
Active Participation & Performance 15%
Coursework 25%
Presentation or Final Report 60%

All coursework will be set, collected and marked online via Google Classroom.
In the event of a final report, it will be set, collected and marked online via Google Classroom>
In the event of a presentation (either individual or small group) then it will take place in the classroom and will be peer evaluated. This evaluation will be checked and finally assessed by the teacher.

Try NOT to be late or absent from your classes.
If you are absent, please contact the teacher or your classmates for any missing work.
テキスト All materials will be handed out in class.
参考文献 A list of recommended films and books will be given out in class.
主な関連科目 Multicultural Project: Popular Music in Japanese Society I & II (Jana Townsend)
Multicultural Project: Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society (Keith Hoy).
Multicultural Project: Japanese Culture in Hospitality and Service (Jana Townsend)
All feedback on assignments will be given in class or online.
Office hours and out-of-hours consultations can made by arrangement with the teacher in class.
I can also be contacted at: james@alpha.shudo.ac.jp or Google Classroom

Evaluation Standard 5 (AA) 4 (A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D)
To What Extent is the Question/Task Answered Answers the question extremely clearly and to the highest standards. Answers the question accurately and comprehensively Answers the question sufficiently The answer to the problem is insufficient Gives answers that are unrelated to the question
Logic of Presentation Very logical throughout, without error Logically consistent all the way to the conclusion Although it is logically in place, it can be improved. It is not logically organized and the purpose is vague. The presentation needs to be improved logically
Reference Materials The student is able to accurately quote and refer to appropriate parts from a variety of materials. The selection of materials is accurate, sufficient, and cited correctly. Valid materials have been selected and there are no problems with quoting them. The material is not shown or there is an error in the citation method. Materials selected not used correctly
Presentation Structure and Slide Contents 1. Presentation Structure 2. Slide Contents 3. Grammar & Punctuation 4. Appropriate Wording The presentation uses a highly appropriate slide style and content with appropriate phrases and vocabulary in English, is easy to follow and has no errors The presentation is well designed and constructed without major problems. There is a problem with one of the four parameters. OR There is a minor problem with all the parameters There are problems with 2 out of 4 parameters. OR There are problems overall. There are problems with 3 or more of the 4 parameters. OR There are serious problems with the writing overall

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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商学部商学科(グローバル科目) WIAC40105 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 -
商学部商学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 -
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商学部経営学科(グローバル科目) WIAC40105 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 -
商学部経営学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 -
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経済科学部現代経済学科(グローバル科目) WIAC40105 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 -
経済科学部現代経済学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 -
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経済科学部経済情報学科(グローバル科目) WIAC40105 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 -
経済科学部経済情報学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 -
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人文学部英語英文学科(グローバル科目) WIAC40105 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 -
人文学部英語英文学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 -
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法学部法律学科(グローバル科目) WIAC40105 2017~2022 1・2・3・4 - - - - -
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健康科学部心理学科(グローバル科目) WIAC40105 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 -
健康科学部心理学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 -
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国際コミュニティ学部国際政治学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 -
国際コミュニティ学部地域行政学科(グローバル科目) 2017~2017 1・2・3・4 - - - - -
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国際コミュニティ学部地域行政学科(グローバル科目) WIAC40105 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 -
国際コミュニティ学部地域行政学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 -