授業コード 06103411 単位数 2
科目名 グローバル特講Ⅰ クラス 11
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 TOWNSEND, Jana M. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 Introduction to Study Abroad (3 months+): World Stage Program Startup
学修の概要 This is an introductory course mainly for first- and second-year students who are seriously interested in going on a medium to long-term study abroad program while at this university and are ready to put in the work necessary for gaining high-level English and cross-cultural communication skills. The course will be taught in English and some Japanese by a bilingual and bi-cultural instructor.

You will learn and practice effective goal-setting methods, conduct and share basic research on study abroad destinations and programs, learn practical points on cross-cultural communication, and put them to use with a language and culture partner from Arizona State University. Necessary help will be given in the use of a variety of online tools that are essential for communication with the world today. You will also learn through experiencing the many international activities that are held on campus (as well as online) with students and guests from our partner universities around the world.
学修の到達目標 By the end of the course, you will be able to:
1. Create, act upon and monitor a set of study abroad learning goals for yourself;
2. Gain knowledge about the various kinds of study abroad destinations and programs that are offered at this university so that you can begin to find a suitable one for yourself;
3. Gain an increased awareness of your own language, culture and communication styles through communicating with people from different backgrounds and ways of thinking;
4. Become more comfortable using some online tools for communication and study.
5. Enjoy greater confidence and ease in exchanging information and thoughts with others using English, Japanese or a mixture of languages.
授業計画 第1回 -Course Introduction
-Icebreaking Activities
-Tech Help: Your Shudo Alpha mail and Google Classroom
第2回 -Research on Study Abroad and Destinations (1): Using the 留学情報サイト
-ASU Language & Culture Exchange (1): Introduction and Preparation
第3回 -Research on Study Abroad and Destinations (2): English-speaking Countries
-ASU Language & Culture Exchange (2): Writing and sending your self-introduction
第4回 -Research on Study Abroad and Destinations (3): Non-English-speaking Countries
-ASU Language & Culture Exchange (3): Sending your first reply
第5回 -Goal-Setting (1): Introduction
-ASU Language & Culture Exchange (4): Meeting your ASU partner
-Tips on Intercultural Communication (1): What is English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)?
第6回 -Goal-Setting (2): Types of Goals
-ASU Language & Culture Exchange (5): Interviewing your ASU partner (choosing a topic and making questions)
第7回 -Goal-Setting (3): Goals and Actions
-ASU Language & Culture Exchange (6): Interviewing your ASU partner (asking follow-up questions)
-Tips on Intercultural Communication (2): How can we develop an "ELF mindset"?
第8回 -Goal-Setting (4): Sharing your Goals and Actions
-ASU Language & Culture Exchange (7): Giving and recording your interview
第9回 -Introduction to your Final Presentation
-ASU Language & Culture Exchange (8): Analyzing your interview
第10回 -Preparation for your Final Presentation (1): Organizing your Presentation
-Tips on Intercultural Communication (3): How can we develop an "ELF skillset"?
第11回 -Preparation for your Final Presentation (2): Creating your Presentation
-Tech Help: Google Slides and Docs
第12回 -Preparation for your Final Presentation (3): Posting and Sharing your Presentation
-Tech Help: Padlet
第13回 -Final Presentations, Q&A and Discussion Day 1
第14回 -Final Presentations, Q&A and Discussion Day 2
第15回 -Summary, Reflection and Looking Ahead to 中長期スタディ・アブロード(事前)
* Depending on class size and the English proficiency level of students etc., the weekly schedule may be adjusted.
授業外学習の課題 You will be expected to:
-check your "alpha" email and your mobile device frequently for messages from the teacher and your language partner.
-complete and submit your assignments on time in Google Classroom.
-be prepared to express yourself in English as hard as you can
-be prepared to spend at least 240 minutes between sessions for review, preparation and assignments. You will need several more hours outside of class time to interview your international partner and prepare for your final presentation.
履修上の注意事項 IMPORTANT!! You MUST read this BEFORE you decide to register for this course.
1. WEB Registration for this course must be done at the beginning of the semester. There can be up to 24 students in this class.
2. You will need at least TOEIC 450+, TOEIC Bridge 76+ to take and follow this course.
3. This course will be held face-to-face in a regular classroom, but we will also use Google Classroom (not Moodle) for materials and assignments. It also has an online component.
4. Your language and cultural exchange may be online and/or face to face.
5. You will need a computer (with camera and mic) + a stable Internet access for outside the classroom (or at home).
6. Credits will normally not be given you are absent MORE THAN 4 TIMES. Being late 3 times will also count as 1 absence.
成績評価の方法・基準 Your final grade will be based on:
1. Active participation in all class activities - 30%
2. Assignments and International Exchange - 40%
3. Final Presentation - 30%
テキスト No textbook. Class material and assignments will be posted in Google Classroom.
参考文献 Additional material will be shared in Google Classroom, but this is a recommended website:
ELLLO (English Listening Lessons Library Online) www.wordheard.org/sort/
主な関連科目 中長期スタディ・アブロード(事前)、中長期スタディ・アブロード(事後)
You will receive an invitation to the Google Classroom for this course before your first class. Please contact me anytime by email (found in Google Classroom) if you have any questions. Feedback on your assignments will be given in class or in Google Classroom.
Feedback on assignments will be given in class or in Google Classroom.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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