授業コード 02142911 単位数 2
科目名 資格英語Ⅵ クラス 11
履修期 後期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 HOY, Keith C. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 資格英語Ⅵ_11
学修の概要 This course focuses on developing the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills that students already possess and applying them to the exam questions expected in the IELTS language test. Specifically, 3-4 lessons will be devoted to each skill in which students will work individually, in pairs, and in groups to examine and discover the techniques for solving various question types.
学修の到達目標 The learning objectives of this class are: (1) for students to become competent test-takers in terms of acquiring the knowledge and skills of how the IELTS reading, writing, listening, and speaking exams are structured and administered; (2) to investigate and discover the kinds of test-taking skills necessary to perform at one's best for each type of exam; (3) to expand improve and connect upon their overall vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
授業計画 第1回 Course Introduction to the 4 skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Gain general knowledge on how these skills are structured in the overall delivery of the IELTS.
第2回 Speaking Skills: Personal information exchange questions and responses (Task type 1). Gain basic knowledge through the practice of this particular task type.
第3回 Speaking Skills: Prepare a speech based on a task topic (Task type 2). Gain basic knowledge through the practice of this particular task type.
第4回 Speaking Skills: Consolidation practice through mock speaking tests involving task types 1 and 2. To ensure students understand the content, a written quiz will be given on these 2 Task types. (On demand).
第5回 An overview of the Listening Skills component of the IELTS. Gain knowledge and practice through task types 1-2 (Multiple Choice/Matching)
第6回 Listening Skills: Task types 3-4. Gain knowledge and practice in the following content areas (Diagram Labeling/Fill in the Gaps).
第7回 Listening Skills: Task types 5-6. Gain knowledge and practice in the following content areas (Sentence Completion/Short Answers).
第8回 Consolidation practice through a written quiz on the 6 listening task types. An introduction to the Reading Skills component of the IELTS. Gain knowledge and practice through task types 1-3 (Multiple Choice/Identifying/Writer's Views).
第9回 Reading Skills: Task types 4-6. Gain knowledge and practice in the following content areas (Matching Information/Headings/Features).
第10回 Reading Skills: Task types 7-9. Gain knowledge and practice in the following content areas (Matching Endings/Sentence Completions/Fill in the Gaps Completion). (On demand).
第11回 Reading Skills: Task types 10-11. Gain knowledge and practice in the following content areas (Diagram/Short Answers).
第12回 A consolidation practice through a written quiz on the 11 Reading Task types. Introduction to the Writing Skills component of the IELTS. Gain knowledge and practice through Visual Response Essays.
第13回 Writing Skills: Opinion Response Essays. Gain knowledge and practice by examining the structures in this type of essay.
第14回 Writing Skills: Consolidation practice on Visual and Opinion Response essays. Students compare and contrast their knowledge with a standard IELTS grading scale.
第15回 Final review summary of the 4 skills. Students interpret and reflect on task-type areas where they need to do further study and research to attain higher scores on the IELTS.
授業外学習の課題 It is expected that EVERY student in this course:
1) uses English as much as possible
2) always REVIEWS the last class and PREVIEWS the next class (spend at least 3-4 hours per of study time outside of class).
3.) uses the study time to focus on assigned readings, homework, research, and skills practice.
履修上の注意事項 *To take this course, Students must EITHER have a Level 4, a TOEIC L&R® 500 and above, or a TOEIC Bridge® L&R 80 and above.
*Up to 24 students will be accepted into this course.
*Actively participate and attend all classes.
*No negative evaluation will be given due to authorized absences.
*If you have over 5 unauthorized absences, you will not receive credit for this course.
*If absent, you must contact the teacher to make up for missed class materials, quizzes, or presentations.
成績評価の方法・基準 The grade for the semester is composed of:
1.) Homework Assignments (40%)
2.) General Knowledge Testing (40%)
3.) Active Participation (20%)
テキスト All materials, such as homework, readings, and tests, will be provided online through Google Classroom.
1.) Any questions or consultations about materials covered in class or on any exam can be arranged through my Shudo alpha-mail: keith@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp
2.) Feedback will be done in a timely manner and will be communicated in person, in class, and in your Google Classroom.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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