授業コード 02140955 単位数 1
科目名 英語Ⅳ(リスニング・スピーキング) クラス 55
履修期 後期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 JENSEN, Paul E. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 英語IV(リスニング・スピーキング) (English IV (Listening&Speaking))
学修の概要 英語によるリスニング・スピーキング(音声インプット・アウトプット)を中心に基本的な英語コミュニケーション能力を身につけることを目的とします。「英語Ⅲ(リスニング・スピーキング)」を踏まえ、英語のリスニング・スピーキングに必要な語彙力や文法力を向上させるためのクラスです。常に意味と文法を意識して英語を聴き、そして発話する練習を行ない、英語によるコミュニケーション能力を養います。
学修の到達目標 受講生の英語習熟度を考慮しつつ、リスニング・スピーキングに必要な語彙力、文法力を身につけることを目指します。各レベルの到達目標の目安は以下の通りです。





レベル3:(L)はっきりと話されれば、視覚補助のある作業(料理、工作など)の指示を理解することができる。(S)日常的な状況(郵便局・駅・店など)において様々な語や表現を用いて、質問をしたり、必要な情報を得たりやり取りをすることができる。 簡単な語句を用いて意見や行動計画を理由を挙げて短く述べることができる。
授業計画 第1回 Course Introduction

Unit 4: Physiology (1)
■ Unit Question: Does body language tell the truth?
→ Learn how to talk about communicating without words
■ Listening 1: What's Behind a Face?
→ Learn new unit vocabulary
第2回 Unit 4: Physiology (2)
■ Listening 1: What's Behind a Face?
→ Learn how we use our faces and bodies to communicate
→ Listening activities
■ Listening Skill: Listening for specific information
→ Learn how to identify important details in a listening
■ Note-taking Skill: Taking notes in a word web
→ Learn one way to visually organize your notes
■ Listening 2: Are They Telling the Truth?
→ Learn new unit vocabulary
第3回 Unit 4: Physiology (3)
■ Listening 2: Are They Telling the Truth?
→ Learn about how to tell when someone is lying
→ Listening activities
■ Vocabulary Skill: Synonyms
→ Learn how to use words with similar meanings
第4回 Unit 4: Physiology (4)
■ Grammar: Simple present for informal narratives
→ Learn how to tell personal stories using verbs in simple present form
■ Pronunciation: Simple present third-person -s/-es
→ Learn how to pronounce verbs with He/She/It subjects
■ Speaking Skill: Using eye contact, facial expressions, and body language
→ Learn how to make stories more interesting
第5回 Unit 4: Physiology (5)
■ Unit Assignment: Tell a personal story
→ Consider the ideas
→ Prepare and speak
■ Unit Quiz
第6回 Unit 5: Psychology (1)
■ Unit question: Why do we enjoy sports?
→ Learn how to talk about sports and physical activities you enjoy
■ Note-taking skill: Using numbered lists to organize information
→ Learn how to organize reasons and examples in your notes
■ Listening 1: Sports and Technology
→ Learn new unit vocabulary
→ Learn how technology is changing some sports
→ Listening activities

Unit 5: Psychology (2)
■ Listening Skill: Listening for signal words and phrases
→ Learn how to introduce new topics when you speak
■ Listening 2: Sports in Our Lives
→ Learn new unit vocabulary
→ Learn about the importance of sports in people's lives
→ Listening activities
第8回 Unit 5: Psychology (3)
■ Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary
→ Learn how to find the correct meaning of a word
■ Grammar: Gerunds as subjects or objects
→ Learn how to use -ing phrases as nouns
■ Pronunciation: Intonation in questions
→ Learn how to use correct pitch for different types of questions
第9回 Unit 5: Psychology (4)
■ Speaking Skill: Asking for and giving opinions
→ Learn common phrases to use when talking about opinions
■ Unit Assignment: Interview a group about sports preferences
→ Consider the ideas
第10回 Unit 5: Psychology (5)
■ Unit Assignment: Interview a group about sports preferences
→ Prepare and speak
■ Unit Quiz
第11回 Unit 6: Marketing (1)
■ Unit question: How do we make decisions?
→ Learn how to talk about choices
■ Note-taking Skill: Using abbreviations and symbols
→ Learn how to take noters more quickly using shortened words and symbols
■ Listening 1: Marketing Strategy
→ Learn new unit vocabulary
→ Learn about marketing research and influencer culture
→ Listening activities
第12回 Unit 6: Marketing (2)
■ Listening Skill: Making inferences
→ Learn how to "listen between the lines" and guess meaning from context
■ Listening 2: The Power of a Crowd
→ Learn new unit vocabulary
→ Learn about good and bad crowd behavior
→ Listening activities

Unit 6: Marketing (3)
■ Work with the Video: Decision Theory
→ Learn about a technique for making decisions more easily
→ Listening activities
■ Vocabulary Skill: Percentages and fractions
→ Learn how to talk about amounts that are part of a whole, like 50 percent or one half
■ Grammar: Conjunctions and and but
→ Learn how to join together matching ideas with "and"
→ Learn how to join together opposite or different ideas with "but"
第14回 Unit 6: Marketing (4)
■ Pronunciation: Linking consonants to vowels
→ Learn how to make pronunciation easier by creating better syllables
→ Listening activities
■ Speaking Skill: Sourcing information
→ Learn how to explain where you found information when giving a report
■ Unit Assignment: Report on a class survey
→ Consider the ideas
第15回 Unit 6: Marketing (5)
■ Unit Assignment: Report on a class survey
→ Prepare and speak
■ Unit Quiz
授業外学習の課題 Students will spend up to 60 minutes per class working on vocabulary, grammar, and/or listening activities. During Weeks 5, 10, and 15, students will take a quiz of about 30–45 minutes each.
履修上の注意事項 • Lessons for this course will be taught in English.
• This is a blended course. Lessons will be taught in-person and online-only through Google Classroom.
授業は基本として対面で実施する予定ですが、Google Classromでオンラインのみの授業を実施するときもあります。
• Homework will be assigned through Google Classroom. The instructor will provide the class code during the first lesson.
ホームワーク(予習、課題等)はGoogle Classroomで行います。class codeは第1回目の授業で配布されます。
• Excused absences will be treated as absences, but they will not affect the requirements for credit. Students with a high number of unexcused absences may not receive credit for the course.
• Students who cannot attend the final exam due to an excused absence may take a makeup exam.


成績評価の方法・基準 リスニング・プロジェクト(15~20%)、スピーキング課題(15~20%)、小・中間・ユニットテスト(①15~20%)、期末テスト(②10~40%)、参加度(~10%)を原則とします。(ただし①と②の合計は50%以下) なお、この他、宿題(~10%)をリスニング・スピーキングプロジェクトの一部として課すこともあります。
テキスト Q: Skills for Success (3rd Edition) Listening and Speaking 1
Jaimie Scanlon
Oxford University Press
ISBN 978-0-19-490513-8
参考文献 None
主な関連科目 英語Ⅲ(リスニング・スピーキング)、英語聴解I~IV、英語コミュニケーション入門I・II、英語コミュニケーションI~VIなど
I will be available before or after class for questions and feedback. If there is not enough time to talk before or after class, please contact me through Google Classroom, by e-mail, and/or make an appointment to meet with me in my office. I will provide my contact information on the first day of class.

  AA A B C D
Criteria Students demonstrate exceptional understanding of course skills on assignments and quizzes. Students demonstrate above-average understanding of course skills on assignments and quizzes. Students demonstrate average understanding of course skills on assignments and quizzes. Students demonstrate below-average understanding of course skills on assignments and quizzes. Students demonstrate little or no understanding of course skills on assignments and quizzes.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
商学部商学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
商学部経営学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
経済科学部現代経済学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
経済科学部経済情報学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
人文学部教育学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
人文学部英語英文学科(国際理解科目) 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - - - -
人文学部社会学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
法学部法律学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
人間環境学部人間環境学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
健康科学部心理学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
健康科学部健康栄養学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
国際コミュニティ学部国際政治学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
国際コミュニティ学部地域行政学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -