授業コード 02132371 単位数 2
科目名 英語読解研究Ⅲ クラス 71
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 MCGETTIGAN, Martyn John 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 English Reading Comprehension III
学修の概要 The overall aim of the course is to allow students to develop their reading skills, with a particular focus on specific areas. From the textbook, students will acquire or strengthen their ability to:

find the main idea in a text
identify supporting evidence in a text
guess meaning from context
find support for claims
the ability to write summaries of texts

Students will also acquire or strengthen various critical thinking skills through the use of the textbook. Specifically, students will develop their ability to:

differentiate between fact and opinion
identify writer purpose
differentiate between informative and persuasive texts
recognise generalisations
identify bias in a text

Students will also develop various skills through supplementary materials, separate from the textbook. These will include:

skimming and scanning skills, through supplementary materials created by the teacher
extensive reading, through keeping an extensive reading log
the ability to write a short, critical book review
学修の到達目標 The focus of this course will be on developing and expanding reading skills and strategies, as well as critical thinking skills, through extensive practice.
授業計画 第1回 Finding the main idea
Identifying fact vs opinion
Self introductions
Introduce reading logs
Writing a postcard
Choosing a book
第2回 Finding the main idea
Identifying writer purpose
Sharing our choice of book
How to write a short summary
Listing the pros and cons of study abroad
Write a summary of 1 (or 1 part) of a book in reading log
第3回 Finding the main idea
Identify evidence
The difference in summaries of fiction/non-fiction reading

Writing a survey report
1 reading log summary
第4回 Identifying support
Identifying writer purpose
Introduce scanning
Make a poster
1 reading log summary
第5回 Supporting evidence
Identifying cause and result
Short poster presentations
Write a recipe
1 reading log summary
第6回 Identifying cause and effect
Differentiating between informative/persuasive writing
More scanning practice
Make a poster
1 reading log summary
第7回 (This session will be in On-Demand Format via Google Classroom)
Examples and illustrations
Identifying fact vs opinion
Poster presentations
Prepare a short pair presentation (2 weeks)
1 reading log summary
第8回 Review
Mid-term test
1 reading log summary
第9回 Finding the main idea
Identifying writer purpose
Short presentations
Writing a blog entry
1 reading log summary
第10回 Guessing meaning
Cause and result
Introduce skimming
Writing a brochure
1 reading log summary
第11回 Finding the main idea
Identifying fact vs opinion
Introduce book reviews
Write a survey
1 reading log summary
Write a book review (3 weeks)
第12回 Identifying support
Identifying emotive words
Conduct a class survey
Write a restaurant review
1 reading log summary
第13回 Supporting evidence
Skimming practice
Group presentations
Make a short presentation
1 reading log summary
第14回 Building an argument
Skimming and scanning
Make a short presentation
1 reading log summary
第15回 Building an argument
Fact vs opinion
Final review
授業外学習の課題 The written tasks, tasks to prepare presentations, and reading log tasks given for each week above are the homework for that week.
履修上の注意事項 Though only worth 10% each, it will not be possible to resit the mid-term and final tests, so please don't miss them.


成績評価の方法・基準 Mid-term exam: 10%
Final exam: 10%
Weekly homework: 3% x14* = 42%
Reading log: 20%
Book review: 10%
Attitude: 8%
テキスト Asian Issues 2. Abax. ISBN: 978-1-78547-088-2
主な関連科目 英語読解研究IV_71
Please talk to me during class or by email if you need any help.
Feedback on all homework will be sent via Google Classroom within one week from the due date of that homework.
添付ファイル 英語読解研究Ⅲ Syllabus.pdf 説明

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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