授業コード 02131364 単位数 1
科目名 アクティブ・イングリッシュⅠ クラス 64
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 M.M. Ragan 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 アクティブ・イングリッシュⅠ (Active English I)
学修の概要 2年次にレベル1の学生が履修する科目です(商学部・法学部・経済科学部・人間環境学部のみ)。
学修の到達目標 基本単語、文型、文法をきちんとマスターし、身近な内容についての文章を速く正確に理解します。
授業計画 第1回 Introduction to the course and get to know each other.
Preparation: Read syllabus carefully
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第2回 First Impressions
Relationships, Appearance, Gender Equality
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第3回 Big or Small?
Lifestyle and Culture
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第4回 The Good Language Learner
Lifestyle, Culture, Language Learning
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第5回 Getting Ahead
Education, Family Relationships, Culture
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第6回 Forever Single
Relationships, Culture, Lifestyle
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第7回 What are friends for?
Friendship, Relationships
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第8回 What's for lunch?
Lifestyle, Food Choices, the Environment
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第9回 Your Online Past
Technology, Privacy
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第10回 Taking Care of Father
Family, Aging, City Life
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第11回 Taking Care of Father
An older person I admire.
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第12回 My Student Life
Education, Lifestyle, Future Plans
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第13回 My Student Life
How to be a happy student?
Preparation: Engage and Understanding the Situation: read and answer the questions
Review: Review new vocabulary, handouts, and exercises from class
第14回 Prepare and practice for the speaking test.
Review and consolidation. Student-led.
第15回 Students will reflect on their progress in the fundamental skills required for taking part actively in discussions. Speaking Test.
授業外学習の課題 ・各Unitの予習、復習に毎回2時間はかけること。英単語の意味や発音を調べることを必須とする。予習ができている前提で授業を進めます。

履修上の注意事項 ※授業計画は進捗状況などにより変更する場合があります。
1. 遅刻・欠席は減点。5回あるいはそれ以上欠席した場合は、いかなる理由でも不合格とする。

2. 授業中のスマートフォンの使用は原則禁止。

3. 授業中は、英文の朗読や発表に積極的に参加すること。



成績評価の方法・基準 授業への取り組み(授業態度、発表など)、課題やレポート、小テスト、学期末試験などの総合点により評価します。
テキスト Impact Issues 2 Third Edition by Richard R. Day, Joseph Shaules and Junko Yamanaka. Published by Pearson Education. ISBN 9789813134386
参考文献 特になし
主な関連科目 アクティブ・イングリッシュIIなど

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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