授業コード 02131238 単位数 1
科目名 英語リーディングⅥ クラス 38
履修期 後期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 S.G. Capper 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 英語II(リーディング・ライティング) (English II (Reading&Writing))
学修の概要 リーディング・ライティング(文字によるインプット・アウトプット)を中心に基本的な英語コミュニケーション能力を身につけることを目的とします。英語の基礎的な読解力・ライティング力を習得するためのクラスです。{英語I(リーディング・ライティング)」の内容を踏まえつつ、やさしい英語で書かれた読み物からはじめ、徐々にレベルアップしていき、高校までに学んだ単語、熟語、文法を復習しながら、教材中に出てきた表現をアウトプット活動につなぐことも視野に入れて学びます。
学修の到達目標 受講生の英語習熟度を考慮しつつ、リーディング(R)・ライティング(W)に必要な語彙力、文法力をさらに向上させることを目指します。各レベルの到達目標の目安は以下の通りです。





授業計画 第1回 Reading & writing about your life, your culture. Following a general introduction to the course, students will be able to identify the main characters in the textbook and explain their background information.
第2回 Getting to know you. Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to exchange personal information in an informal setting.
第3回 My home town. Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to describe various aspects of their home town, and describe other major cities.
第4回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain various aspects pertaining to Japanese food.
第5回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain about traditional Japanese houses, andd will identify differences between housing in the UK and Japan.
第6回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain the Japanese language and its systems of writing.
第7回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain things that are unique to Japanese culture.
第8回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain Japanese manners and etiquette.
第9回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain Japan7s special days and events.
第10回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain the cultural differences bin school and university life in Japan and the UK.
第11回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain about famous Japanese people.
第12回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain about shrines and aspects of the Shinto religion.
第13回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain about shrines and aspects of the Buddhist religion.
第14回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain things that are unique to Japanese culture.
第15回 Through reading and other activities, students will learn how to explain about invisible culture (cultural concepts unique to Japan).
授業外学習の課題 Weekly preparatory readings and vocabulary-building activities will be assigned (approximately 20 minutes per week). In addition, students are expected to read graded readers throughout the course for a minimum of 40 minutes per week, reaching a total of at least 70,000 words per semester.
履修上の注意事項 Coursework comprises out-of-class extensive graded reading, and in-class discussion, reading and writing activities.


成績評価の方法・基準 リーディング・プロジェクト(40%)、ライティング課題(40%)、小・中間・ユニットテスト(20%)
テキスト This Is Japan by Simon Capper (National Geographic Learning) ISBN 9784863123830
主な関連科目 英語I(リーディング・ライティング)、英語読解I~IV、英語ライティングI~IVなど
Students can contact me any time through Google Classroom, by email, or after class. Feedback on homework assignments and in-class short quizzes will be provided each week during class.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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