授業コード 02131138 単位数 1
科目名 英語リーディングⅤ クラス 38
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 S.G. Capper 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 英語I (リーディング・ライティング) (English I (Reading&Writing))
学修の概要 リーディング・ライティング(文字によるインプット・アウトプット)を中心に基本的な英語コミュニケーション能力を身につけることを目的とします。英語の基礎的な読解力・ライティング力を習得するためのクラスです。やさしい英語で書かれた読み物からはじめ、徐々にレベルアップしていき、高校までに学んだ単語、熟語、文法を復習しながら、教材中に出てきた表現をアウトプット活動につなぐことも視野に入れて学びます。
学修の到達目標 受講生の英語習熟度を考慮しつつ、リーディング(R)・ライティング(W)に必要な語彙力、文法力を向上させることを目指します。各レベルの到達目標の目安は以下の通りです。





授業計画 第1回 Students will learn the basic concepts of extensive graded reading, and will write a self introduction.
第2回 Students will do a timed reading to ascertain their reading speed. Students will learn how to understand the differences between extensive and intensive reading. Students will register for MReader.
第3回 In this class students will learn how to analyse and correct errors in a typical student self introduction. Students will learn about how to revise written work, with particular emphasis on error detection and correction, and joining sentences.
第4回 Students will plan a short essay based on the them "Every picture tells a story". They will write a descriptive text about one of their favourite photos. Learning goals focus on planning the text and understanding the parts of speech.
第5回 Students will share personal anecdotes in readiness to write their aassignment. They will learn the typical structure of an anecdote and how to write one. Our vocabulary focus will be on noun endings.
第6回 Students will share their anecdote texts and engage in peer revision activities. Our grammar learning point will focus on joining sentences and vocabulary study will focus on verb endings.
第7回 Students will share personal narratives in readiness to write about "My turning points". Our vocabulary focus will be on noun endings and students will engage in error correction activities.
第8回 Students will share their texts and engage in peer revision activities. Our grammar learning point will focus on use of pronouns and vocabulary study will focus on adjective endings.
第9回 Students will share their daily routines in readiness to write about them. Our vocabulary focus will continue to focus on adjective endings. Students will learn how to order events in a text and use adverbs of frequency.
第10回 Students will write about their daily routines. Our vocabulary focus will be on the use of adverbs. Students will learn how to recognise and use various types of adverbs.
第11回 Students will write recipes. Vocabulary study will focus on use of adjectives, and adverb /verb combinations. Students will learn how to write instructions in a text.
第12回 Students will research an old family photo in readiness to write about it. Our vocabulary focus will continue to focus on affixes. Students will learn how to describe personal characteristics in a text and use descriptive adjectives.
第13回 Students will write about a photograph. Students will learn a variety of synonyms and their use. Students will learn how to recognise and use collocations.
第14回 Students will learn about errors commonly made by Japanese speakers of English, and how to correct them. Students will continue to learn about a variety of collocational patterns in English.
第15回 Students will write a self-evaluation and will reflect on their approach to English language study. Students will demonstrate understanding of parts of speech and how to recognise them by their endings.
授業外学習の課題 Students are expected to read graded readers each week throughout the course for a minimum of 40 minutes, reaching a total of at least 70,000 words per semester. Students must also prepare for in-class writing activities for at least 20 minutes per week.
履修上の注意事項 Coursework comprises out-of-class extensive graded reading, in-class writing, vocabulary awareness and vocabulary-building activities.


成績評価の方法・基準 リーディング・プロジェクト(15~20%)、ライティング課題(15~20%)、小・中間・ユニットテスト(①15~20%)、期末テスト(②10~40%)、参加度(~10%)を原則とします。(ただし①と②の合計は50%以下) なお、この他、宿題(~10%)をリーディング・ライティングプロジェクトの一部として課すこともあります。
テキスト There is no textbook for this course. All materials will be provided by the teacher.
主な関連科目 英語II(リーディング・ライティング)、英語読解I~IV、英語ライティングI~IVなど
Students can contact me any time through Google Classroom, by email, or after class. Feedback on homework assignments and in-class short quizzes will be provided each week during class.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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