授業コード 02121571 単位数 2
科目名 英語ディスカッションⅠ クラス 71
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 S.L. Rosen 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 Discussion in English I
学修の概要 This course will work on developing and improving oral discussion skills, with much listening practice as well as way to reinforce oral fluency. Although is is not specifically a course in Business English, there will be a strong emphasis on business related topics for discussion. Thus, intercultural communication skills relevant for the global market place will be emphasized.
学修の到達目標 This course aims to gives the students confidence for communicating in the global market place: vocabulary development, correct use of grammar, and expressions, especially those of practical use in business contexts, but other informal contexts of intercultural communication as well.
授業計画 第1回 Ice breakers, class materials and policy, free talk with in-depth self introductions, explaination of the course and course homework.
第2回 Discussion topic: hobbies, interests, future goals
第3回 Discussion topic: careers, employment: practice with job interviews. Discussion of different careers/professions
第4回 Product descriptions- discuss particular products which appeal to you. What advertisements and internet websites make the product seem appealing.
第5回 オンデマンド: products which have great appeal to you and why
第6回 make a marketing presentation followed by class discussion.
第7回 Discussion topic: cutting edge products, current innovative products and future trends in products; teacher's hand-out to practice vocabulary related to marketing and sales.
第8回 オンデマンド:business language/expressions related to products: more practice with marketing/sales emphasizing vocabulary and specialized expressions.
第9回 Discussion topic: intercultural communication differences, especially in business; teacher's presentation followed by vocabulary worksheets.
第10回 Discussion topic: impresssions of American culture: society, economy, politics
第11回 Discussion topic: discussion of profound cultural differences in language and behavior between Japan and another English speaking country.
第12回 Presentation: country report highlighting cultural differences followed by Q&A discussion
第13回 Discussion topic: student country report/presentations highlighting business culture and communication.
第14回 Vocabulary review through practice tests (non-graded); dictations and pronunciation drills of Business Engish and related expressions
第15回 The future of the global market place/globalization (discussion); class discussion on current trends in the global market place
授業外学習の課題 Come prepared to actively participate. This involves preparation for discussion based on class hand-outs and internet research on discussion topics for the class. (120 minutes per week)
履修上の注意事項 原則として4回を超えた欠席をした場合、単位は認められません。
As a general rule, credits will not be granted if a student is absent more than 4 times.
In addition, contact needs to be made in advance of any absences.


成績評価の方法・基準 Presentations (50%), Class participation ((20%), on demand mini report (10%), and Final exam which will test how well students have internalized vocabulary and English expressions learned in the class (20%)
テキスト Original text materials to be provided by the teacher online or in class related to the level and aims of the class for reinforcing English expression as used in natural contexts.
参考文献 Extra materials will be provided during the course, since the global market place and world of business is undergoing rapid change and new relevent materials need to be studied to keep up with relevent communication practices. There may be one on-demand class which will be decided and announced at a later time.
If you have any questions, e-mail is the best way to contact me at my mail: rosenchief@gmail.com
However, Google Classroom will also be used for communication and exchange of files/documents, class materials.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
商学部商学科(E群) FCBS15201 2018~2022 1・2・3・4 - - - - -
商学部商学科(E群) FCBS15201 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 - -
商学部商学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - -
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商学部経営学科(E群) FCBA15201 2023~2023 1・2・3・4 - -
商学部経営学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - -
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