授業コード 02121172 単位数 2
科目名 英語コミュニケーションⅠ クラス 72
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 JENSEN, Paul E. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 English Communication I
学修の概要 Students will practice using all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) to improve their ability to share ideas in English. They will:

• build their speaking fluency and confidence through communicative activities
• build accuracy through vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation activities
• have discussions and make presentations in small groups

Students will complete three (3) units of a textbook, and will take a quiz at the end of each unit.
学修の到達目標 By the end of this course, students will have developed the following skills:

• Talk about the people in your life
• Talk about possessions
• Greet people and start a conversation
• Talk about what you're doing at the moment
• Talk about sports and exercise
• Ask for information
• Talk about past events in your life
• Ask questions about the past
• Congratulate and sympathize with people

• Introduce yourself in an email
• Write short messages to a company
• Write a comment agreeing or disagreeing with an online post

Group Discussion and Presentation
• Talk about what you have in common
• Create a fitness program
• Summarize a story
授業計画 第1回 Course introduction (lesson contents, evaluation criteria, etc.)
イントロダクション (授業内容, 成績評価基準などの履修上の注意)
Unit 1: Connections
• Lesson 1.1: We're family
→ Learn how to talk about the people in your life
第2回 Unit 1: Connections
• Lesson 1.2: What's in your bag?
→ Learn how to talk about possessions
第3回 Unit 1: Connections
• Lesson 1.3: How do you know Raquel?0
→ Learn how to greet people and start a conversation
第4回 Unit 1: Connections
• Lesson 1.4: Email introductions
→ Learn how to introduce yourself in an email

Unit 3: Let's move
• Lesson 3.1: Let's move
→ Learn how to talk about what you're doing at the moment
第6回 Unit 1: Connections
• Lesson 1.5: Things you have in common
→ GROUP PROJECT: Talk about what you have in common
• Unit 1 quiz
第7回 Unit 3: Let's move
• Lesson 3.2: The 16th step
→ Learn how to talk about sports and exercise
第8回 Unit 3: Let's move
• Lesson 3.3: Could you tell me ... ?
→ Learn how to ask for information
第9回 Unit 3: Let's move
• Lesson 3.4: Bike sharing
→ Learn how to write short messages to a company
第10回 Unit 3: Let's move
• Lesson 3.5: Fitness programs
→ GROUP PROJECT: Create a fitness event
• Unit 3 quiz
第11回 Unit 5: Firsts and lasts
• Lesson 5.1: One amazing day
→ Learn how to talk about past events in your life
第12回 Unit 5: Firsts and lasts
• Lesson 5.2: Guess in 60 seconds
→ Learn how to ask questions about the past

'Unit 5: Firsts and lasts
• Lesson 5.3: That's cool!
→ Learn how to congratulate and sympathize with people
第14回 Unit 5: Firsts and lasts
• Lesson 5.4: First impressions
→ Learn how to write a comment agreeing with an online post
第15回 Unit 5: Firsts and lasts
• Lesson 5.5: Iceberg!
→ GROUP PROJECT: Learn about the Titanic disaster and share stories about some of its passengers
• Unit 5 quiz
授業外学習の課題 Homework assignments
• vocabulary, grammar, and/or writing activities
• up to 3 hours each week

Unit quizzes
• Listening, vocabulary, grammar, and reading
• about 30–45 minutes each
• weeks 5, 10, and 15
履修上の注意事項 • Lessons for this course will be taught in English.
• This is a blended course. Lessons will be taught in-person and online-only through Google Classroom.
授業は基本として対面で実施する予定ですが、Google Classromでオンラインのみの授業を実施するときもあります。

• Homework will be assigned through Google Classroom. The instructor will provide the class code during the first lesson.
ホームワーク(予習、課題等)はGoogle Classroomで行います。class codeは第1回目の授業で配布されます。
• Excused absences will be treated as absences, but they will not affect the requirements for credit. Students with a high number of unexcused absences may not receive credit for the course.
• If a student misses a GROUP PROJECT day due to an excused absence, they may submit an independent project instead.
公認欠席は欠席として扱いますが、単位認定要件には影響しないように配慮します。GROUP PROJECTの日に公認欠席がある場合は、代わりに自宅で作成したプロジェクトを提出することができます。


成績評価の方法・基準 • 70% for Classwork, homework*, and groupwork
• 30% for three (3) Unit quizzes*

*Homework and unit quizzes must be submitted through Google Classroom. Students MUST complete ALL quizzes to receive credit for the course.
課題、クイズ等はGoogle Classroomで提出する。単位を取得するためにすべてのクイズを完了する必要があります。
テキスト Evolve Student's Book 2A
Lindsay Clandfield, Ben Goldstein, Ceri Jones, Philip Kerr
Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 978-1-108-40505-8
参考文献 None
主な関連科目 English Communication II
I will be available before or after class for questions and feedback. If there is not enough time to talk before or after class, please contact me through Google Classroom, by e-mail, and/or make an appointment to meet with me in my office. I will provide my contact information on the first day of class.

  AA A B C D
Classwork, homework, and groupwork Completed all assignments with clear effort, using the skills taught during the course. Completed most assignments with clear effort, using most of the skills taught during the course. Completed many assignments with clear effort, using some of the skills taught during the course. Completed some assignments with clear effort, using few of the skills taught during the course. Completed few or no assignments, without clear effort, using few or none of the skills taught during the course.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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商学部経営学科(外国語科目(英語)) 2016~2016 1・2・3・4 - - - - -
商学部経営学科(国際理解科目) 00100 2024~2024 1・2・3・4 - - -
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