授業コード 02120471 単位数 2
科目名 英語文書表現Ⅳ クラス 71
履修期 後期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 MADDEN, Christopher P. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 English Writing IV
学修の概要 This course follows a step-by-step writing process that focuses on developing and organizing learners' ideas from writing paragraphs to small essays. Students will learn to draft, peer-review, and revise their written work and become confident and accomplished writers. Vocabulary development and error correction activities will also feature prominently in the course.
学修の到達目標 By the end of this course, the students should be more confident in their
communicative and professional writing. They should display development in their
vocabulary, grammar, structure, and organization skills.
授業計画 第1回 Introduction and course guidance. Introductory writing task.
第2回 Unit 1: Developing and organization of a paragraph.
第3回 Unit 1: Identifying topic sentences and supporting sentences.
Homework: Reading a model paragraph.
第4回 Unit 1: Identifying patterns of coherence.
Writing Assignment 1
第5回 Unit 2: Descriptive paragraphs - stimulating ideas and brainstorming.
Homework: Reading a model paragraph and subsequent exercises.
第6回 Unit 2: Developing your ideas.
Writing task: writing the first draft
第7回 Unit 2: Editing your writing.
Writing Assignment 2
第8回 Unit 3: Example paragraphs - stimulating ideas - brainstorming and outlining.
第9回 Unit 3: Developing your ideas - examples as supporting details.
Homework: Reading a model paragraph and subsequent exercises.
第10回 Unit 3: Identifying specific examples
Writing task: writing an outline.
第11回 Unit 3: Editing your writing.
Writing Assignment 3.
第12回 Unit 4: Process paragraphs - stimulating ideas - brainstorming and outlining.
第13回 Unit 4: Identifying similarities and differences.
Homework: Reading a model essay and subsequent exercises.
第14回 Unit 4: First draft and peer editing.
第15回 Class review and evaluation.
Final Writing Assignment.
授業外学習の課題 You will be assigned homework and assignments based on real-world writing tasks, so apply yourself when you write, about 1 hour per week.
Always come prepared and be ready to participate in pair and group work.
履修上の注意事項 If you are absent more than five times you will not get credit for this class, this includes traffic problems and oversleeping. If you are genuinely sick (with a doctor's note) you must let me know by email. It is important to come to class each week and on time. Late attendance is counted as half an absence.

Plagiarism - Copying someone else’s work (online, friend, extra) - is forbidden. If you
plagiarize, you will receive zero marks for that assignment and you may fail the whole course.


成績評価の方法・基準 Scoring will be based on:
Assignments 60%
Homework 20%
Participation 10%
Peer editing 10%
テキスト ''Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays." by David Clabeaux, Elena Vestri Solomon, and Keith S. Folse, ISBN:9781285194929
参考文献 Additional materials will be provided during the course.
主な関連科目 英語ライティング研究III_71
Email is the best way to contact me, but we can speak before, during, and after class.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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