授業コード 02112342 単位数 2
科目名 アドバンスト英語(Pop MusicⅡ) クラス 42
履修期 後期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 TOWNSEND, Jana M. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 Multicultural Project: Popular Music in Modern Japanese Society II
学修の概要 This is the second of a two-course series that examines society in Japan through its popular music from the Meiji Restoration to the end of the 20th century. This second course will focus on selected events and trends in Japanese society from the post-WWII Occupation to the 1990s as well as on the diverse styles of popular musical expression that have emerged in the same period. (*It is recommended, but not required, for students to have taken the first course in order to take this second course.)
学修の到達目標 By the end of the course, students will have learned (or reviewed) in English some key events and trends from 1945 to 2000. At the same time, they will have had the chance to compare how more recent generational groups including their grandparents', parents' and their own have expressed their thoughts and emotions through song. As the final project, students in small teams will prepare and deliver a presentation on an approved topic of their choice and lead an informal class discussion thereafter.
授業計画 第1回 -Course Introduction
-Introduction to the course content: Where did "J-pop" come from?
第2回 -Review Game: Pre-1945 Japanese Society and Popular Music in a flash!
第3回 -Historical Overview: Japan under Occupation (1945-1952) and in the 1950s
第4回 -Society and Popular Music in the Occupation and Post-Occupation ①: American influences
第5回 -Society and Popular Music in the Occupation and Post-Occupation ②: Traditional trends
第6回 -Historical Overview: the World in the 1960s
第7回 -Society and popular music in 1960s Japan ①: 60s Kayo and Enka, College Folk Songs
第8回 -Society and popular music in 1960s Japan ②: The Ereki Boom & The GS Boom
第9回 -Historical Overview: the World in the 1970s
-Introduction to the Final Presentation
第10回 -Society and popular music in 1970s Japan ①: 70s Folk Songs, New Music
第11回 -Society and popular music in 1970s Japan ②: Song Contests and Idols
第12回 -Historical Overview: the World and Japan in the 1980s and 1990s
第13回 -Society and popular music in 1980s Japan: The Rise of "City Pop"
第14回 -Society and popular music in 1990s Japan: The Birth of "J-Pop"
第15回 -Team Presentations, Q&A and feedback
-Summary and Reflection
授業外学習の課題 Students will be expected to:
-complete all assigned online readings, music listening and video viewings,
-review previous week's material and prepare for their quizzes,
-complete the preparation for their Final Presentation mostly outside of class time.
It will be necessary for students to spend at least 120 minutes between sessions for review, class preparation and assignments. In addition, several hours will be required for research, preparation and practice before their final team presentation.
履修上の注意事項 IMPORTANT!! You MUST read this BEFORE you decide to register for this course.
* This course is an international 'co-learning' course for local and international students and will be conducted mostly in English.
1. Local students must have at least TOEIC 500, TOEIC Bridge 80 or EIKEN 2 to take this course. E-mail me first if you have any questions.
2. Registration for local students will be through "Web Entry"
3. The maximum class size will be 16 students.
4. Google Classroom will be used for most handouts, listening materials and assignments.
5. You will need access to a computer with camera and mic and a stable Internet connection outside the classroom (or at home) to complete the requirements for this course.
6. After registration, please check your alpha email for your Google Classroom invitation.
7. Check your alpha email and Google Classroom often thereafter as well.
8. Credits for this course will normally not be given if you are absent more than 4 times.
(The weekly plan may be adjusted depending on variables such as class size and the language proficiency levels of the registered students.)
成績評価の方法・基準 Quizzes and Assignments 30%
Active Participation, Contribution to Group Work, Effort and Progress 40%
Final Presentation 30%
テキスト No textbook. Handouts will be provided in class.
参考文献 Online resources are available. Further information will be given in class
主な関連科目 Multicultural Project: Popular Music in Modern Japanese Society I
Please email me at jmtownse@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp if you have any questions or need assistance.
Quiz answers will be given out in class or in Google Classroom.
Do not hesitate to ask anytime in English or Japanese if you need help or advice.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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