授業コード 02112244 単位数 2
科目名 アドバンスト英語(Contemporary) クラス 44
履修期 前期授業 カリキュラム *下表参考
担当者 HOY, Keith C. 配当年次 *下表参考

授業の題目 Multicultural Project (Contemporary Issues in Japanese Society) _44
学修の概要 This class is for students who want to discuss contemporary issues facing Japanese society. These issues will focus on People and Society, Health, Education, Science and Technology, and Art and Culture. Each topic contains a series of listening, reading, and short writing activities designed to help students communicate and collaborate with others. The ultimate aim is to apply their knowledge by comparing similarities and contrasting differences with the communities they grew up in and to be able to express that to a wide audience.
学修の到達目標 By the end of this course, students should be able to: 1.)research, discuss, and present topics relating to contemporary society in Japan; 2.) use the appropriate language phrases and thought processes necessary to engage effectively in various discussion settings; 3.) interpret concepts related to contemporary issues and apply them to their communities; 4.) collaborate in groups to better understand each others viewpoints.
授業計画 第1回 Introductions to the class goals and syllabus. Students examine and acquire the key phrases used for various discussions and understand the meaning behind Contemporary Issues.
第2回 Examination of population demographics by country. Comparing and contrasting the population pyramids of industrialized nations with the Global South. Further content is explored through policies designed to increase fertility rates.
第3回 Understanding how the crime rate in Japan is lower compared to other countries. Students also examine the types of crimes committed in Japan and how the justice system serves the various strates of Japanese society.
第4回 Further elaboration on how the lower crime rate in Japan is demonstrated through assigned readings, videos, and group discussions.
第5回 Introduction to a brief history of marital rights in Japan, emphasizing its contemporary connection to declining birth rates and gender inequality. Further analysis will look at government initiatives to change this trend.
第6回 Further elaboration on marital rights in Japan is demonstrated through assigned readings, videos, and group discussions.
第7回 Understanding how the concept of work is different between Japan and other countries. Students look at case studies where new laws are implemented to prevent overtime work and workplace harassment.
第8回 Further elaboration on attitudes towards work is demonstrated through assigned readings, videos, and group discussions.
第9回 The issue of foreign workers in Japan and how they have been treated. Students analyze case studies of abuse and the government's response to it. Further examination looks at the future of Japan's economy with respect to immigration.
第10回 Education in Japan and its comparison to other countries on several global metrics. Based on Japan's high rankings, students determine if changes need to be made.
第11回 The state of higher education in Japan and how it compares to other countries. Students analyze several variables such as cost and the return on investment in a university degree. Further engagement is done through videos and assigned readings.
第12回 Technology in Society and how it is manifested in the number of Internet cafes. Students examine the reality that these cafes are residences for people experiencing homelessness. Further analysis of its international comparisons are explored in readings and videos.
第13回 Circumventing transnational norms with an emphasis on Japan's whaling industry. A brief historical look at the Japanese whaling industry and how the Japanese government used this industry to combat the international environmental movement.
第14回 Review practice and presentation of the group's chosen contemporary issue topic.
第15回 Review summary based on a final presentation of a contemporary issue that the group has researched. Feedback will be provided.
授業外学習の課題 Students should make every effort to:
1.) Use English as much as possible.
2.) Practice effective time management.
3.) Always review and preview your coursework (spend 3-4 hours of study time outside of class).
4.) Use the study time to focus on assigned readings, homework, research, and skills practice.
履修上の注意事項 *IMPORTANT: This course is open to students with either a TOEIC score of 500 and above, a TOEIC Bridge score of 80 and above, or EIKEN 2.
*Up to 20 students will be accepted into the course.
*Actively participate and attend all classes.
*No negative evaluation will be given due to authorized absences.
*If you have over 5 unauthorized absences, you will not receive credit for this course.
*If absent, you must contact the teacher to make up for missed class materials, quizzes, or presentations.
成績評価の方法・基準 The grade is composed of the following:
1.) Self-Reflection assessments-20%
2.) Assignments-30%
3.) Final Group presentation-30%
4.) Active Participation-20%
テキスト All materials such as homework, readings, and tests will be provided online through Google Classroom
1.) Any questions or consultations about materials covered in class or on any exam can be arranged through my SHudo alpha-mail: keith@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp
2.) Feedback will be done in person, in class as well as in your Google Classroom.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次 身につく能力
知識・技能 思考力 判断力 表現力 協創力
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