授業コード 20089600 クラス
科目名 言語文化研究特講(現代アメリカ) 単位数 2
担当者 S.L. Rosen 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 言語文化地域研究Ⅰ
授業の概要 This is a course in modern American society and culture, politics. We will begin with the birth of industrial Industrial America in the 19th century including the history of immigration as well as the birth of the modern corporation. Then we move into the 20th century and study how and why the United States became the leading nation in world economics and culture. This will include a special focus on immigration, musical culture, and economic changes, mainly the Great Depression of the 1930's. Then we will look at the post-war era and study American society and culture during the Cold War and into the 1960's with a special focus on the Vietnam War.
学習の到達目標 To develop a basic understanding of America history, society, economy and culture. The class will be taught in Englis so students will build learn language skills: listening, and reading, and writing.
授業計画 第1回 1. Course overview/lecture: what is modern America? What do we meaning by the "Modern Age"
第2回 2. The first modern corporations (railroads, oil, steel)
第3回 3. Waves of U.S. immigration from the 19th century unti 1924.
第4回 4. World War I and the rise of America as a superpower
第5回 5. The Jazz Age (1920's)/ ***On-Demand/オンデマンド
第6回 6. The early Hollywood movie industry
第7回 7. The Crash of 1929 and Great Depression of the 1930's- causes and policy response (the New Deal)
第8回 8. The transformation of Americans society post Great Depression
第9回 9. The Cold War of the 1950's
第10回 10. The counter-culture of the 1960's; youth culture, music; the Vietnam War
第11回 11. The oil shock of the 70's; stagflation; the rise of Japan as an economic competitor
第12回 12. Reagan and Reaganomics
第13回 13. The digital revolution of the 1990's.
第14回 14. Political culture of the 21st century.
第15回 15) 変更 online overview and online discussion where possible
授業外学習の課題 Students will need to read chapters and other files I provide for free on my website (to be announced); Time outside of class time for preparation and study: 2 hours per week.
履修上の注意事項 原則として4回を超えた欠席をした場合、単位は認められません。
As a general rule, credits will not be granted if a student is absent more than 4 times.
In addition, contact needs to be made in advance of any absences.
成績評価の方法・基準 report (50%), final exam (50%)
テキスト Material will be provided on Google Classroom. (to be announced in class)
参考文献 see above
There will be some time after class for questions, but e-mail questions are encouraged. [rosenchief@gmail.com] It will be possible to arrange and appointment for individual meetings with the instructor if desired.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(英米の文化・文学) FHEN40301 2017~2023 2・3・4