授業コード 10001900 クラス
科目名 国際ビジネスコミュニケーションⅠ 単位数 2
担当者 ROUAULT, Gregory T. 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 貿易通信 International Business Communication I
授業の概要 This spring term course, taught in English, is paired with "International Business Communication II". Anchored in experiential learning, this course covers the reading strategies and writing skills (input & output) as they are used in functional communications by professionals in international business settings and as covered in 日商ビジネス英語検定試験の3級練習問題.
[Instructor's practical experience: Engaged in Staff Training and Sales & Marketing in packaged goods companies in Canada for over 10 years]
学習の到達目標 The course aims are (1) to develop an understanding of the functional language used in business writing, (2) to enhance skills in using English for written communication in business, & (3) to build confidence in the ability to address business issues.
授業計画 第1回 ガイダンス Introducing yourself
英文ビジネスEメールの構成 - 人事異動の通知 (Personnel Change)
第2回 Arranging a meeting
英文ビジネスEメールの構成 - 日程調整の依頼 (Schedule Arrangement)
第3回 Writing about plans and an itinerary
英文ビジネスEメールの構成 - 招待状 (Invitation Email/Letter)
第4回 Making recommendations *On Sat 4/29 - Shudo regular schedule
英文ビジネスEメールの構成 - 招待状への返事 (Reply to the Invitation)
第5回 Inviting - formal and informal
英文ビジネスレターの構成 - お礼の手紙 (Thank-you Letter)
第6回 Knowledge Review #1 (introductory messages) & Making inquiries
英文ビジネスEメールの構成 - アンケートへの回答の依頼 (Questionnaire)
第7回 Making requests
英文ビジネスEメールの事例 - 文書送付の通知 (Sending Messages)
第8回 Placing an order
英文ビジネスレターの事例 - カバーレター (Cover Letter)
第9回 Responding to an order - delays
英文ビジネスEメールの事例 - お詫び (Apologies)
第10回 Complaints
英文ビジネスEメールの事例 - 苦情と回答 (Claim and Reply)
第11回 Knowledge review #2 (orders & complaints) & Business reports
英文ビジネスレターの事例 - 推薦状 (Letter of Recommendation)
第12回 Interoffice memo Checking project progress
英文ビジネスEメール memo(Announcement of promotion)
第13回 Making proposals
英文ビジネスレターの事例 - 異動のお知らせ (New Job Letter)
第14回 Knowledge Review #3 (memos & proposals) & Checking project progress
第15回 Social situations
英文ビジネスレターの事例 - お祝いの手紙 (Congratulatory Letter)お悔やみの手紙 (Condolences)
授業外学習の課題 Students are expected to balance 60-90 minutes of out of class preparation time between completing written tasks assigned as homework, working on the stages of their independent study projects, and reviewing the previous lesson & previewing the next lesson.
履修上の注意事項 Practical tasks will focus on 3 areas: (1) formal written communications, (2) informal memos & notes, and (3) written communications to address business problems.
a) Homework and self study projects will be completed onloine in Google Classroom where supplementary materials and a schedule of assignment deadlines will also be provided.
b) Please arrive on time, attend all lessons (with limited absenteeism), and participate actively in this class taught in English. (Please have a dictionary).
c) If you will be absent, please inform your instructor in advance and check with classmates to find out (i) what was covered, (ii) what the homework is, & (iii) what to prepare for next class.
成績評価の方法・基準 Ongoing assessment of unit tasks & weekly homework 30%; 3 knowledge review tests 30%;
2 independent self-study projects: (a) template log 20% & (b) business report 10%; and active participation 10%
テキスト 『日商ビジネス英語検定3級公式テキスト』 日本能率協会マネジメントセンター 修大生協 ISBN 978-4--8207-4804-5
Other textbook materials will be provided by the instructor on the first day of classes (2,800 yen).
参考文献 The independent self-study projects will require using online resources from the internet.
1250 TOEIC vocabulary words Eng and Jpn: https://app.memrise.com/course/1110249/toeic-service-list/
1250 TOEIC vocabulary words on Eng to Eng flashcards: https://quizlet.com/class/2702919/
主な関連科目 国際ビジネスコミュニケーションII / International Business Communication II
Feedback will be provided on assignments and reports using grading sheets or scoring rubrics along with descriptive comments within 2 weeks.
Please contact me by email or see me after class with any questions. grouault@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp
オフィスアワーOffice hours Tues Per 4 14:45 – 16:15 Bldg 8, 1F (Manabi Commons) or by appointment at my office (3-323)
URLリンク https://www.kentei.ne.jp/english/class3

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
商学部商学科(B群) 2016~2016 2・3・4
商学部商学科(E群) FCBS25211 2018~2023 2・3・4
商学部経営学科(E群) FCBA25211 2017~2023 2・3・4
法学部国際政治学科(H群) 2014~2016 2・3・4
法学部国際政治学科(H群) FLIP20814 2017~2017 2・3・4