授業コード 02134271 クラス 71
科目名 英語プレゼンテーション研究Ⅱ 単位数 2
担当者 JENSEN, Paul E. 履修期 後期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 English Presentation Studies II
授業の概要 Students will use all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) to give informative and entertaining presentations in English. They will produce and deliver three (3) presentations (3–4 minutes each):

• Warm-up presentation: Give a short self-introduction including three topics about yourself. For example, your hometown, family, and hobbies.
• Presentation 1: Describe a very important experience in your life. Explain when and where it happened, who was there, how you felt, and what you learned.
• Presentation 2: Give a review of a movie or TV show. Introduce the characters, explain the basic story, say what you liked and didn't like about it, and recommend it (or not).
学習の到達目標 By the end of this course, students will have developed the following skills:
• Complete surveys and interviews
• Talk about opinions and experiences
• Brainstorm for and organize ideas
• Get an audience's attention
• Design effective note cards and PowerPoint slides
• Speak loudly and clearly, using proper rhythm and pitch
• Use body language (posture, gestures, and eye contact)
• Manage speaking anxiety
• Give kind feedback
• Relating experiences and feelings associated with them
• Set the scene for an experience
• Use time expressions to describe an experience
• Quiz others about their film and TV knowledge
• Talk about the features of movies and TV shows: genre, plot, setting, special effects, acting, cinematography, dialogue
• Talk about what you like and why, and what you don't like and why not.
授業計画 第1回 Course introduction (lesson contents, evaluation criteria, etc.)
Warm-up topic: A self-introduction
• Introduction
第2回 Warm-up topic: A self-introduction
• Knowing your audience
• Planning a presentation
• Developing presentation techniques
第3回 Warm-up topic: A self-introduction
• Presentations and feedback
Presentation basics
• Introduction
第4回 Presentation 1
• Introduction, language, and organization
第5回 Presentation 1
• More language and organization
• Adding impact and developing presentation techniques
第6回 Presentation 1
• More language and organization
• More adding impact and developing presentation techniques
• HOMEWORK: Expansion activities
第7回 Presentation 1
• Expansion activity review
• Talk about PowerPoint
• Presentation planning
第8回 Presentation 1
• Practice presentations
• Practice presentation feedback
第9回 Presentation 1
• Presentations
第10回 Presentation 2
• Introduction, language, and organization
第11回 Presentation 2
• More language and organization
• Adding impact and developing presentation techniques
第12回 Presentation 2
• More language and organization
• More adding impact and developing presentation techniques
• HOMEWORK: Expansion activities

Presentation 2
• Expansion activity review
• Talk about PowerPoint
• Presentation planning

Presentation 2
• Practice presentations
• Practice presentation feedback
第15回 Presentation 2
• Presentations
授業外学習の課題 Students will spend about 20–30 minutes each week doing activities in their textbook for homework.

For each presentation, students will need to prepare the following materials outside of class and bring them to class on the day of the presentation:
• outline
• script
• notes (on small notecards)
• visual aids (photos, videos, PowerPoint slides, and/or real objects)
履修上の注意事項 • Lessons for this course will be taught in English.
• Lessons for this course will be taught in-person and online-only.
• Presentations will be video and audio recorded for purposes of feedback and scoring.
• Homework will be assigned through Google Classroom. The instructor will provide the class code during the first lesson.
ホームワーク(予習、課題等)はGoogle Classroomで行います。class codeは第1回目の授業で配布されます。

成績評価の方法・基準 • 70% for Presentations 1 and 2*
• 30% for Active participation**

*Presentation scores will be based on how well students can use the skills taught in the course (see 学習の到達目標). The Warm-up presentation will not be scored, but students MUST complete ALL three presentations to receive credit for the course.
プレゼンテーションの評価は、どの程度まで授業で学んだスキルを用いてプレゼンテーションができるかに基づく (「学習の到達目標」に参考)。Warm-up presentationは評価されませんが、それも含めて3つのプレゼンテーションをしない場合は単位がもらえません。
**Active participation means showing up to class on time, paying attention, following instructions, and being helpful to other students.
Active participationとは、遅刻せず出席し、集中し、担当者の指示に従って行動し、周りの学生たちと助け合いながら授業に参加することです。
テキスト Present Yourself 1: Experiences 2nd Edition
Steven Gershon
Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 978-1-107-43563-6
参考文献 None
主な関連科目 English Presentation Studies I
Please talk to me before or after class if you need any help. If there is not enough time to talk before or after class, please contact me through Google Classroom, by e-mail, and/or make an appointment to meet with me in my office. I will provide my contact information on the first day of class.
URLリンク Textbook

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
商学部商学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
商学部経営学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
経済科学部現代経済学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
経済科学部経済情報学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
人文学部人間関係学科社会学専攻(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
人文学部教育学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
法学部法律学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
法学部国際政治学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2017 1・2・3・4
人間環境学部人間環境学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
健康科学部心理学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
健康科学部健康栄養学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2017~2023 1・2・3・4
国際コミュニティ学部国際政治学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2018~2023 1・2・3・4
国際コミュニティ学部地域行政学科(外国語科目(英語)) WGEE11146 2018~2023 1・2・3・4