授業コード 90318300 クラス
科目名 英語学研究Ⅲ 単位数 2
担当者 RONALD, James M. 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Pragmatics I
授業の概要 This class provides an overview of the field of pragmatics, with three main approaches for the classes. The first is to read and discuss core topics in the field of pragmatics, with the aid of an introductory text and other materials. The second is to read, discuss, and write commentaries of important research papers in the field of pragmatics. The third approach is to share incidents relating to pragmatics that occur around us in our everyday lives.
学習の到達目標 Although Pragmatics is an academic subject, its subject matter is the language used around us all the time. We learn pragmatics, and discover pragmatics too.
授業計画 第1回 Backgrounds and definitions; pragmatics around us
第2回 Grice: The Cooperative Principle and implicature; researching pragmatics
第3回 Research paper 1: read and discuss
第4回 Speech acts and events; pragmatic incidents
第5回 Politeness and interaction; commentary review
第6回 Research paper 2: read and discuss
第7回 Conversation and preference structure; pragmatic incidents
第8回 Discourse and culture; commentary review
第9回 Research paper 3: read and discuss
第10回 Pragmatics in a global society; pragmatic incidents
第11回 Deixis and distance; commentary review
第12回 Research paper 4: read and discuss
第13回 Reference and inference; pragmatic incidents
第14回 Presupposition and entailment; commentary review
第15回 Researching pragmatics: presenting and discussing research plans
授業外学習の課題 Reading the text in advance, noticing and sharing pragmatic incidents, reading research papers and writing commentaries, and planning research into pragmatics. Around four hours per week.
履修上の注意事項 【対面授業を実施します】
We will have classes face to face, but will also use Google Documents and other online tools for cooperative academic writing.

原則として4回を超えた欠席をした場合、単位は認められません。また、欠席については事前に連絡をすること。As a rule, credits are not granted if a student is absent more than four times. If possible, contact your teacher in advance if you will be absent.
成績評価の方法・基準 Students will be evaluated according to their participation in class activities (30%), sharing and explaining pragmatic incidents (20%), writing commentaries of research papers, and creating a detailed plan for a pragmatics-related research project(30%). Feedback will be provided on all writing.
テキスト Pragmatics, (1996) G. Yule.
参考文献 Thomas, J. (1995). Meaning in interaction: An introduction to pragmatics. London: Longman.
Good communication is essential - it is the basis of this course. Please contact me and we will arrange to meet. My email address is ronald@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文科学研究科M英文学専攻 2018~2022 1・2