授業コード 70001201 クラス 01
科目名 Cross-Cultural Communicatio 単位数 2
担当者 TOWNSEND, Jana M. 履修期 第2学期
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Understanding and Using English as a Global Language
授業の概要 We often hear that English is a GLOBAL language. But what does that really mean for you as a person who has been studying English in Japan seriously for several years? How can you think about English so that you could feel freer and more confident in using it? How can you also build on your skills so that you can be more successful in understanding other speakers and being understood by them in real-life situations?

This course introduces you to the concept and practice of using English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) which would help you find some answers to such questions. It will also give you an opportunity to practice and enjoy communicating with young adults of various cultural backgrounds studying at an American university. It may also help you discover new ways of communicating more effectively with foreign residents and visitors in your own community!
学習の到達目標 By the end of the course, successful students will:
1. Understand the reality of English communication in the world today
2. Find a way of thinking about English as something other than just a “foreign” language
3. Begin getting used to listening to, and understanding, English speakers from around the world
4. Try out some ELF communication strategies in real cross-cultural exchanges
5. Reflect on this experience and share their thoughts with other students
6. Become aware of some basic points in intercultural competence for themselves
授業計画 第1回 -Course Introduction
- Content and expectations
- Introduction to the learning activities in the course
- Tech help with Google Classroom
第2回 -Topic 1: Why is English a global language?
-Introduction to the listening journal
第3回 -Topic 2: What is English as a Lingua Franca?
第4回 -Topic 3: Who is a "native English speaker" anyway?
第5回 -Review and further learning activities on Topics 1~3
-Cross-cultural Communication Activity (1): Email Exchange
第6回 -Topic 4: What is "intelligibility" in ELF?
第7回 -Topic 5: What is "incorrect" in ELF? / What does "code-switching" mean?
第8回 -Topic 6: What does it mean to "negotiate meaning"?
第9回 -Review and further learning activities on Topics 4~6
-Cross-cultural Communication Activity (2): Video Chat
第10回 -Topic 7: What can we do about "silence"? Is it always a bad thing?
第11回 -Topic 8: What does it mean to "pre-empt" and "repair" problems?
第12回 -Cross-cultural Communication Activity (3): Mini-Interview
第13回 -Preparation for Final Presentations
第14回 -Final Presentations (Group 1), Q&A and Feedback
第15回 -Final Presentations (Group 2), Q&A and Feedback
-Course Summary + Where do we go from here?
* Depending on actual class size and language proficiency of the students, weekly topics may be adjusted slightly.
授業外学習の課題 1. You should be prepared to spend at least 90 minutes between sessions for review, preparation, assignments, and online communication activities.
2. You will also need several hours outside of class time to prepare for your final presentation.
3. You will also be expected to:
-check your device(s) frequently for messages in Google Classroom and from your US partner
-complete all communication activities and assignments on time
-make your own arrangements to meet with your US partner online (There is a 16-hour time difference between the US university and ours.)
履修上の注意事項 IMPORTANT!! You MUST read this BEFORE you decide to register for this course.

1. WEB Registration for this course must be done before the beginning of the semester.
2. There can be up to 24 students in this class.
3. You must be at Shudo English proficiency level 3 or 2 to take this "01" class. Level 1 students are encouraged to take the "02" or "03" class offered mainly in Japanese.
4. This course will be held face-to-face in a regular classroom, but we will also use Google Classroom for materials and assignments. It also has an online component (where you are regularly expected to listen to recordings and communicate with your overseas partner).
5. You will need a computer with a camera, mic and speakers to use off-campus (at home).
6. You will need access to a stable Internet connection off-campus (at home).
7. You should be mentally prepared to work extra hard at listening and speaking in English in this "01" class.
8. If COVID numbers rise again, we may need to have some sessions online (on Zoom).
成績評価の方法・基準 Active Participation, Effort & Progress: 20%
Quizzes, Assignments and Online Communication Activities: 60%
Final Presentation: 20%
* If you are absent 5 times, you will not be able to pass this course. If you are late for class 3 times, it will be counted as 1 absence.
テキスト None. Material will be given in class and in Google Classroom.
参考文献 1. 鳥飼玖美子『国際共通語としての英語』(講談社現代新書)
2. ELLLO (English Listening Lessons Library Online) www.wordheard.org/sort/
3. IDEA (International Dialects of English Archives) www.dialectsarchive.com
主な関連科目 異文化理解論
Please contact me at jmtownse@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp if you have any questions.
Don't hesitate to ask me anytime in English or Japanese if you need help or advice.
Quiz answers will be given in class and in Google Classroom.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
国際コミュニティ学部国際政治学科(国際コミュニケーション領域) FGGP10301 2018~2022 1・2・3・4