授業コード 30038002 クラス 02
科目名 ゼミナールⅢ 単位数 2
担当者 CLEARY, William B. 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Comparative Law Issues
授業の概要 Students and instructor will prepare information about a variety of current legal issues.

I have been a lawyer for more than 40 years, and have worked on my cases throughout my career. I have worked for Japanese clients in New York (Japan Airlines, etc.), and in Guam (Sumitomo Construction Company, etc.). I have worked on a variety of criminal cases, including the infamous Kazuyoshi Miura case of suspected murder of his wife Kazumi. I also worked for the United States Forces Japan at Yokota Air Force Base in Tokyo, where I did extensive research on Japanese law and advised the Command concerning the same.

For 15 years, I worked as a foreign legal adviser to the law firm of Blakemore & Mitsuki, the oldest international law office in the Japan.

All of this experience I bring to the classroom and share with my students. They can get a real appreciation of the work of a lawyer through my eyes.
学習の到達目標 To develop a stronger interest in legal affairs and a good understanding of legal terms and principals.
授業計画 第1回
The Death Penalty
第2回 Revision of the Constitution
第3回 Relations with Asian Neighbors
第4回 Issues related to substance abuse.
第5回 Visit to Hiroshima District Court
第6回 Reports and discussion related to the above visit.
第7回 Intellectual Property and the Law
第8回 Family Law, Marriage, Divorce, and Adoption
第9回 The Use of DNA.
第10回 The Role of the police in modern society.
第11回 Visit to the Hiroshima District Court
第12回 Open discussion.
第13回 Group Discussion.
第14回 Debate on decided topic.
第15回 Results of Debate
授業外学習の課題 Court visits
履修上の注意事項 日本語と英語を利用する。対面のゼミナールです。
成績評価の方法・基準 Presentations 50%, ability to discuss critically 30%, and research skills 20%.
テキスト None
参考文献 Roppo
主な関連科目 Comparative Law
Very open.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
法学部法律学科(演習) 2013~2016 3・4
法学部法律学科(演習) FLLA20805 2017~2017 3・4
法学部法律学科(演習) FLLA30803 2018~2022 3・4