授業コード 10002000 クラス
科目名 国際ビジネスコミュニケーションⅡ 単位数 2
担当者 ROUAULT, Gregory T. 履修期 後期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 貿易通信 International Business Communication II
授業の概要 This fall term course, taught in English, is paired with "International Business Communication I". Anchored in experiential learning by doing, this course covers the input and output (listening/reading & speaking/writing) skills as they are used in functional communications by professionals in international business settings (for work inside and outside of Japan).[Instructor's Practical Experience: Engaged in Training, Sales & Marketing in packaged goods companies in Canada for over 10 years]
学習の到達目標 The course aims are (1) to develop an understanding of the functional language used in various types of business communications (2) to enhance skills in using English for interactions in business (by speaking face to face or on the telephone and in reading/writing correspondence, & (3) to further build confidence in the ability to address business issues & personal goals
授業計画 第1回 ガイダンス & Course overview with TOEIC strategies
- telephone & email communication
第2回 Being a good co-worker (U1)
3-3-1 海外取引を進めるにあたって
第3回 Having fun while traveling (U2)
3-3-2 海外の取引先照会
第4回 What do you love about Japan? (U5) & Group project intro
3-3-3 取引先の選定
第5回 Staying positive (U3)
3-3-4 商品売り込み・信用調査
第6回 Using foreign languages in your work (U4)
3-3-5 引き合い
第7回 Communication = Understanding and being understoood (U6)
3-3-6 オファー
第8回 Leadership = Teaching & training others (U7)
3-3-7 カウンター・オファー
第9回 Finding the best job (U8)
3-3-8 価格
第10回 Exploring Japan (U9) & Presentation preparation
3-3-9 貿易決済
第11回 Being environmentally-friendly (U10)
3-3-10 売約書送付状
第12回 Survey research project presentation & The job market (U11)
3-3-11 契約書
第13回 Using technology in daily life (U12)
3-3-12 信用状開設
第14回 Promoting your own culture (U13)
3-3-13 信用状受領
第15回 Doing volunteer work (U14)
Course review and feedback
授業外学習の課題 Students are expected to balance active in class participation with 60-90 minutes for out of class tasks, including: weekly homework, working on (2) independent study and (2) group projects, and preparing for the next lesson.
履修上の注意事項 Lesson contents and practical tasks will focus on 3 areas: (1) Reading & Listening input and Writing & Speaking output for internal & external company communications, (2) discussions on videos from real working professionals (3) individual and group work in practical business communication projects.
a) Please arrive on time, attend all lessons, and participate actively in this class taught in English.
b) If you will be absent, please inform your instructor in advance and check with classmates to find out (i) what was covered, (ii) the homework to be completed, & (iii) what to prepare for next class.
成績評価の方法・基準 Ongoing assessment will be based on weekly homework 15%; a group project presentation 15%; a case study interview & 'teaching others' leadership project 20%; an independent self-study project & short report 15%; a survey research, & presentation project 25%; & active participation 10%.
テキスト "Working in Japan: Interviews with Professionals Working in Japan w/DVD" Gordenker & Rucynski. Cengage Learning. 2015. ISBN 9784863122482
参考文献 1)『日商ビジネス英語検定3級公式テキスト』 日本能率協会マネジメントセンター  修大生協 ISBN 978-4--8207-4804-52)
2) “10 Ways…” titles from the Halico Pocket Reader series will be provided in class by the instructor for the project w/ worksheets or online material.
主な関連科目 国際ビジネスコミュニケーションI / International Business Communication I
Feedback will be provided on assignments and reports using grading sheets or scoring rubrics along with descriptive comments within 2 weeks.
Please contact me by email or see me after class with any questions. grouault@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp
オフィスアワーOffice hours Tues Per 4 14:45 – 16:15 Bldg 8, 1F (Manabi Commons) or by appointment at my office (3-323)

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
商学部商学科(B群) 2016~2016 2・3・4
商学部商学科(E群) FCBS25212 2017~2022 2・3・4
商学部経営学科(B群) 2016~2016 2・3・4
商学部経営学科(E群) FCBA25212 2017~2022 2・3・4
法学部国際政治学科(H群) 2014~2016 2・3・4
法学部国際政治学科(H群) FLIP20815 2017~2017 2・3・4