授業コード 22015807 クラス 07
科目名 卒業研究 単位数 4
担当者 BARRS, Keith 履修期 年間授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Graduation Thesis Writing
授業の概要 This course is to support students in the writing of their graduation thesis. The desired outcome is for students to become familiar with the various stages of conducting and writing up a research investigation on a self-chosen topic.
学習の到達目標 Each student will work step-by-step towards finishing their Graduation Thesis and submitting it before the deadline.
授業計画 第1回 Graduation Thesis Structure
第2回 *Choosing a topic (Information)
第3回 The Introduction: Information
第4回 The Introduction: Writing
第5回 The Introduction: Workshop 1 (Group A)
第6回 The Introduction: Workshop 2 (Group B)
第7回 The Literature Review: Information
第8回 The Literature Review: Writing
第9回 The Literature Review: Workshop 1 (Group A)
第10回 The Literature Review: Workshop 2 (Group B)
第11回 The Methodology: Information
第12回 The Methodology: Writing
第13回 The Methodology: Workshop 1 (Group A)
第14回 The Methodology: Workshop 2 (Group B)
第15回 Preparing for Data Collection
第16回 The Results & Discussion: Information
第17回 The Results & Discussion: Writing
第18回 The Results & Discussion: Writing
第19回 The Results & Discussion: Workshop 1 (Group A)
第20回 The Results & Discussion: Workshop 2 (Group B)
第21回 The Conclusion: Information
第22回 The Conclusion: Writing
第23回 The Conclusion: Workshop 1 (Group A)
第24回 The Conclusion: Workshop 2 (Group B)
第25回 Formatting: Workshop
第26回 Editing: Workshop
第27回 (卒業研究口頭発表準備) Graduation Thesis Presentation: Structure
第28回 (卒業研究口頭発表準備) Graduation Thesis Presentation: Writing
第29回 (卒業研究口頭発表準備) Graduation Thesis Presentation: Editing
第30回 (卒業研究口頭発表準備) Graduation Thesis Presentation: Practice
授業外学習の課題 Students will be expected to study for at least 120 minutes per week out of class, as well as:
1) ask for help when needed.
2) follow advice about how to improve each chapter/section.
3) explain any absences in advance or as soon as possible afterwards.
履修上の注意事項 対面授業を実施します


To be successful on this course, students need:
1) good attendance and time keeping.
2) good classwork and homework.
3) good motivation and participation.  

Students are required (出席は義務) to attend and give a presentation at the 卒業研究口頭発表
Students are expected to work on their thesis throughout the year, follow the advice given, and meet the various deadlines.
成績評価の方法・基準 The grade is composed of:
1) participation and effort in the workshops
2) participation and effort in the 卒業研究口頭発表
3) the final submitted Graduation Thesis
テキスト 留学生と日本人学生のためのレポート・論文表現ハンドブック
ISBN-10: 4130820168
ISBN-13: 978-4130820165
Feedback on assignments and tests will be given in class.
Students can also make contact by (1) email (barrs@shudo-u.ac.jp) or (2) visiting my office (Building 3, office 316).

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(専攻科目) 2014~2016 4
人文学部英語英文学科(卒業研究) FHEN40701 2017~2021 4