授業コード 70005600 クラス
科目名 地域研究特論B(日欧比較文化) 単位数 2
担当者 U.M. Styczek 履修期 後期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 European and Japanese Studies in the Cultural Context
授業の概要 This course will deal with a few current cultural and political events in Europe and EU. Some aspects of the history of Europe will be introduced, including the latest changes in Europe, as well as the introduction to European geography, languages, architecture, customs, etc. in the wider context of European relationship with Japan. I will also introduce still rather unknown in Japan European country, Poland.
The course will be conducted more as a seminar than a lecture where the active participation of the students will be required, such as short quizzes, reading texts in Japanese and English.
At the end of each class we will watch a documentary introducing unknown parts of Europe or some European issues.
学習の到達目標 To deepen the knowledge about Europe and EU.
授業計画 第1回 1. General information of the course.
第2回 2. General introduction to the European Studies, European stereotypes.
第3回 3. Geography of Europe - introduction.
第4回 4. Geography of Europe.
第5回 5. Some elements of European history and the history of EU.
第6回 6. Holocaust in Europe, part 1.
第7回 7. Auschwitz.
第8回 8. Issues of minorities and immigrants to Europe.
第9回 9. European women, visit to some European countries and cities.
第10回 10. European family.
第11回 11. European languages.
The Nederlands.
第12回 12. European family; Visit to some European cities.
第13回 13. European architecture through the visit to some European cities in Italy, Spain, Germany.
第14回 14. European cuisines, national festivals,customs, events (Christmas).
第15回 15. Revision. Submission of the report on European history.
16. Final written exam.
(The order of the classes and the contents might be slightly different)
授業外学習の課題 As we do not have enough time during our course to read all the materials and hand-outs provided, please read them all at home, analyze and look up new word(if they are in English). The final test will be conducted by using the materials you will have received during the course.
A report on your "visit" to Auschwitz.
Please follow the latest news about Europe on TV, the Internet etc.
履修上の注意事項 The course is scheduled to be taught mainly in English, but some Japanese explanation will be provided. Therefore, even the students with limited English language ability and those who are really interested in European problems are warmly welcome and encouraged to enroll.
Sleeping during the classes is absolutely forbidden!

【対面授業】無 【非対面授業】有(オンデマンド:有, 同時双方向:無)
<非対面授業に変更になった場合> オンデマンド:有 (同時双方向との組み合わせもあり)
成績評価の方法・基準 Activity during the classes, showing interest in the course. Evaluation will be based on "participation" in the class by sending me the answers to the units from our textbook (30%), a final test (40%), the reports prepared at home and submitted on time (40%). Regular attendance is preferable to complete the course (you can be "absent" only 5 times). Since it is hard to confirm your presence during our classes, submitting homework on time is its basis
テキスト "Europe. A Changing Continent" by John H. Randle and Atsushi Mukuhira.
ISBN 978-4-7919-3084-5
参考文献 Other handouts and copies will be provided by the teacher
I do not have my own office at this university, please do not hesitate to approach me and ask me for any advice. Let’s make a deal to talk only in English. Remember: nobody is perfect but all of us are trying to do.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
国際コミュニティ学部国際政治学科(地域研究領域) FGGP30505 2018~2020 3・4