授業コード 20040400 クラス
科目名 地域文化研究特講(アメリカ社会とビジネス) 単位数 2
担当者 S.L. Rosen 履修期 後期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 地域文化研究特論(アメリカ社会とビジネス)
授業の概要 This second semester course will give the student an understanding of important events in modern American business history. We will look at the lives and works of various American entrepreneurs who have changed not only business but society and culture. We will also look at the economic crisis of 2007-08 to understand the great power of banks and finance.
学習の到達目標 To gain an understanding of American business, past and present, and to build English language skills, especially for business English.
授業計画 第1回 1. Introduction to the rise of modern corporate industrial America in the late 19th century
第2回 2. The modern industrial corporation: structure and function
第3回 3. Ford Motor Co. and the automobile industry; the electric car
第4回 4. The 1950's; McDonalds, and other new industries
第5回 5. Business and health issues; the tobacco industry
第6回 6. The health care industry
第7回 7. The shift of global commerce/ new wave globalization
第8回 8. The economic crisis of 2007-8: finance and banking (Lehman Shock)
第9回 9. Business and law (civil and criminal law; environmental law)
第10回 10. The rise of Silicon Valley
第11回 11. New directions in Silicon Valley and IT industry
第12回 12. Green companies/green industries; corporate social responsibility (CSR)
第13回 13. Sustainable development and corporate philosophies
第14回 14) economic globalization; military and defense industries
第15回 15) Test review; historical overview, summary of main themes of the course
授業外学習の課題 This class will be on-demand, meaning materials for study will be provided for students to access at their own convenient time....however, as much as possible, there will be "Real Time" lectures/video conferences which students should join in order to have a deeper learning experience.
履修上の注意事項 1. Internet access is essential
2. 欠席はいかなる事情があっても4回までとする。
Credits will not be given if students are absent from class more than four times in one semester (including illness, traffic-related problems, family-related matters, etc.).
成績評価の方法・基準 Evaluation based a final exam (100%)
テキスト text materials available on instructors website (free).... URL to be announced
参考文献 see above
After class, by e-mail and by appointment: rosen@pu-hiroshima.ac.jp or Shudo mail
URLリンク http://stevenlrosen@yolasite.com

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(専攻科目) 2014~2016 2・3・4(グローバルは1・2・3・4)
人文学部英語英文学科(英米の文化・文学) FHEN30208 2017~2020 2・3・4(グローバルは1・2・3・4)