授業コード 20040000 クラス
科目名 言語文化研究Ⅱ 単位数 2
担当者 Taras A. Sak 履修期 後期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 言語文化研究Ⅱ (American Culture through Literature)
授業の概要 This class will be conducted entirely online, using Google Classroom on-demand. In this class, we will watch a movie called Freedom Writers, and read most of the screenplay while working our way through a textbook, in order to help students maintain and improve their current level of English.

If possible, we will also watch movies related to the same theme as Freedom Writers (Disadvantaged Students and Inspirational Teachers/Coaches), which will help students better understand American culture. This course should be of special interest to students who hope to become teachers in the future.
学習の到達目標 At the end of this online course, students will be:

(1) More confident in their English skills (all four skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening)

(2) More familiar with several films about American society and about the theme of education

(3) More familiar with self-study techniques (to become independent learners)

(4) Better prepared for their seminar (zemi) and thesis research.
授業計画 第1回 Week 1 Introduction & Orientation; course expectations; textbook Unit 1 (with scenes from Freedom Writers, each week); begin the first movie, October Sky.
第2回 Week 2 Textbook Unit 2; continue October Sky.
第3回 Week 3 Textbook Unit 3; continue October Sky.
第4回 Week 4 Textbook Unit 4; continue October Sky.
第5回 Week 5 Textbook Unit 5; finish October Sky.
第6回 Week 6 Response Paper #1 due; textbook Unit 6; begin McFarland USA.
第7回 Week 7 Textbook Unit 7; continue McFarland USA.
第8回 Week 8 Midterm textbook check; textbook Unit 8; continue McFarland USA.
第9回 Week 9 Textbook Unit 9; continue McFarland USA.
第10回 Week 10 Textbook Unit 10; finish McFarland USA.
第11回 Week 11 Response paper #2 due; textbook Unit 11; begin Coach Carter.
第12回 Week 12 Textbook Unit 12; continue Coach Carter.
第13回 Week 13 Textbook Unit 13; continue Coach Carter.
第14回 Week 14 Textbook Unit 14; continue Coach Carter.
第15回 Week 15 Textbook Units 15 & 16; final textbook check; finish Coach Carter; Course Summary & Evaluations; Response Paper #3 due one week after final class session (by email).
授業外学習の課題 Each week, review the last class and preview the next class (at least 2 hours).

In addition, students will be asked to read each week, complete discussion activities in class, and then write and submit a short response paper to each week's scenes/theme.
履修上の注意事項 Sleeping in class or coming to class unprepared is unacceptable. Have a positive attitude toward learning and do your best each week. Students will need to use a good bilingual dictionary during the class.

Credits will not be given if students are absent from class more than four times in one semester (including illness, traffic-related problems, family-related matters, etc.).
成績評価の方法・基準 (1) Active Participation, including timely submission of all work = 25%
(2) Online activities using Google Classroom = 50%
(4) Response Papers (includes Flipgrid) = 25%

*Minus Points for Poor Attitude (sleeping in class, etc.) or Unexcused Absences
*Coming to class late 2 times = 1 absence
テキスト Tanaka, Honda, Matsuba, Yamamoto, Rowlett and Ozawa. Freedom Writers 映画総合教材「フリーダム・ライターズ」. Tsurumi Shoten. ISBN-13: 978-4-7553-0360-9.
This class will be conducted entirely online, using Google Classroom on-demand. You will receive a join code from the instructor after you register for the class. If you do not, please email me (saktaras@gmail.com). You will need access to a PC in order to take this course on-demand, online.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(専攻科目) 2014~2016 2・3・4