授業コード 02134671 クラス 71
科目名 時事英語Ⅵ 単位数 2
担当者 Lightfoot Andy 履修期 後期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目  時事英語VI
授業の概要 (This class follows on from Current English V).

This class will consolidate and build upon existing knowledge of English through the study of current news stories. Each week we will look at a news topic and explore the vocabulary used to report it before branching out into discussions of the issues involved. The news topics will be either international or relating to Japan. There will be considerable pair and group work with an emphasis on communicating ideas and opinions brought up by the news stories.
学習の到達目標 This course aims to increase awareness of current news stories from around the world and improve the abilities of students to comprehend and discuss them in English.
授業計画 第1回 Introduction
第2回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第3回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第4回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第5回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第6回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第7回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第8回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第9回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第10回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第11回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第12回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第13回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第14回 News story of the week : related vocabulary and communicative activities.
第15回 Review and presentations.
授業外学習の課題 Students may be asked to research various topics before class or write short reports.
履修上の注意事項 【対面授業】無 【非対面授業】有(同時双方向:有、オンデマンド:無、課題研究:無)

授業はZoom + Google Classroomで行いますが、第16回の授業については、レポート課題に代えます。レポートについては授業中に指示します。

Students are required to join Google Classroom using the class code 6mgbhaw and also download the Zoom app for online classes.

Students should bring a dictionary to class.
Students are expected to be active in class, participating fully in communicative activities.

成績評価の方法・基準 クラスは毎週のタスク(60%)と最終レポート(40%)によって評価されます。
テキスト There is no textbook for this class : all materials will be provided by the teacher.
主な関連科目 時事英語V
I do not have an office at Shudo, but you can email me : tangerine.wizard@gmail.com

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
商学部商学科(E群) FCBS15416 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
商学部経営学科(E群) FCBA15416 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
経済科学部現代経済学科(I群) FECE10912 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
経済科学部経済情報学科(I群) FEEI10912 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
人間環境学部人間環境学科(関連科目) FHES18403 2017~2017 1・2・3・4
人間環境学部人間環境学科(関連科目) FHES18404 2018~2020 1・2・3・4