授業コード 02134371 クラス 71
科目名 英語ディスカッションⅤ 単位数 2
担当者 ROUAULT, Gregory T. 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Discussing and Expressing Opinions
授業の概要 In this class, students will practice and improve their ability to discuss various topics on social issues by expressing and supporting their opinions in English. Discussion strategies will be introduced and practiced in pairs and in small group discussions and then will be applied in student led discussions and a debate.
学習の到達目標 Course objectives are to develop the knowledge of discussion strategies and to build the skills and confident attitude to engage in discussions and debates on social topics of interest through actual practice with language in use.
授業計画 第1回 Guidance & Course introductions - Unit 1: University rules - Entrance Spring or Fall?
Discussion strategy: Rejoinders and follow up questions
第2回 Unit 2: Life balance - High school sports clubs
Discussion strategy: Clarification expressions
第3回 Unit 3: Ethics - Fingerprint attendance system
Discussion strategy: Clarification questions
第4回 Unit 4 The business of sports: Foreign athletes
Discussion strategy: Answering with details
第5回 Unit 9: Communication: Social networking services
Discussion strategy: Expressing opinions
第6回 Student led Discussions (1) Technology: Smart phones & Video Games + Debate Intro
Discussion strategy: Asking for details
第7回 Unit 5 Consumer behavior: Experiences or Materials goods?
Discussion strategy: Using words that describe
第8回 Unit 7: Government policy - Consumption tax
Discussion strategy: Volunteering an answer
第9回 Unit 13: Culture - Celebrating foreign festivals
Discussion strategy: Paragraph clarifications
第10回 Student led Discussions (2) Manner & social norms: Phones & Eating+Debate preview
Discussion strategy: Clarifying by summarizing
第11回 Unit 17: Personality - Blood types and others
Discussion strategy: Helping the leader
第12回 Mini Debate: Food in Japan
Discussion strategy: Telling what you've heard
第13回 Unit 18: Competition in society: Cosmetic surgery
Discussion strategy: Telling other people's experiences
第14回 Student led Discussions (3) The Group or Individual: Personal appearance
Discussion strategy: Referring to a source
第15回 Unit 20: Gender in society - Roles & rules for men and women
Discussion strategy: Interrupting someone
授業外学習の課題 Students should prepare for lessons by previewing the topic and vocabulary and reflect on the strategies introduced in class to apply them in future discussions. Weekly homework will include accessing online resources on current events and students will also complete an independent self-study project.
履修上の注意事項 Please have access to a dictionary to allow you to build the vocabulary needed to more fully express yourself in discussions.
[変更] Lesson 14 student led discussions will be conducted online as a remote lesson.
成績評価の方法・基準 Ongoing assessments will be based on weekly homework assignments & class preparation (20%), 3 student led discussions (as participants & leader) (35%), a debate (20%), an independent self-study project (15%), and active participation in class (10%).
テキスト Jonathan Lynch & Kotaro Shitori. "Two Sides to Every Discussion" Seibido, 2015 (ISBN: 978-4-7919-4784-3)
参考文献 D. Kehe & P. D. Kehe. "Discussions Strategies: Beyond Everyday Conversation" (Second edition) Pro Lingua, 2012. (provided for use in class by the instructor)
主な関連科目 英語ディスカッションⅤI
Feedback will be provided on the debate and discussion tasks using grading sheets or scoring rubrics along with descriptive comments. Please ask questions or discuss any problems after class or contact me by email. grouault@shudo-u.ac.jp
オフィスアワーOffice hours will be Tuesdays Period 4 - 14:45-16:15 (Bldg 8, 1F) or by appointment in my office 3-323.
URLリンク www.breakingnewsenglish.com

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
商学部商学科(E群) FCBS15405 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
商学部経営学科(E群) FCBA15405 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
経済科学部現代経済学科(I群) FECE10905 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
経済科学部経済情報学科(I群) FEEI10905 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
人間環境学部人間環境学科(関連科目) FHES18401 2017~2020 1・2・3・4