授業コード 02121771 クラス 71
科目名 英語ディスカッションⅢ 単位数 2
担当者 S.L. Rosen 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Discussion in English III
授業の概要 This course should improve oral discussion skills with a focus on oral communication using an academic vocabulary and a variety of phrases and idioms.
学習の到達目標 Through interactive authentic English listening and materials, and various academic topics, students should be more actively involved in English discussions with a good improvement in vocabulary, fluency, accuracy, and thought organization.
授業計画 第1回 Self Introductions, warm-up games, dictation practice.
第2回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: review of basic question words. homework.
第3回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: unique jobs. homework.
第4回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: dream jobs. homework.
第5回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: describing places. homework.
第6回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: travel English. homework.
第7回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: talking about the past. homework.
第8回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: Talking about your present life. homework.
第9回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: Talking about the future. homework.
第10回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: Heroes. homework.
第11回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: class presentations: favorite YouTube video
第12回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: class presentations: YouTube continued.
第13回 Vocabulary quiz, discussion topic: dictation, listening practice, rhythm training
第14回 Test
第15回 on line discussion (using Google Classroom and Google Meet)
授業外学習の課題 You will be assigned weekly homework.
Come prepared to actively participate. Listening to English on a regular basis (daily) is requested: 1 hour per day.
履修上の注意事項 If you are absent more than four times you will not get a credit for this class, this includes illness, traffic problems, and oversleeping. Late attendance is counted as half of one absence.
Plagiarism: Copying someone else’s work (online, friend, etc) is forbidden. If you plagiarize, you will receive zero for that assignment and you may fail the whole course.

成績評価の方法・基準 Participation 20%
Homework 30%
Test/task 50%
テキスト None
参考文献 Materials will be provided during the course.
If you have any questions, you can talk to me after class; E-mail is the best way to contact me.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
商学部商学科(E群) 2012~2016 1・2・3・4
商学部商学科(E群) FCBS15303 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
商学部経営学科(E群) 2012~2016 1・2・3・4
商学部経営学科(E群) FCBA15303 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
経済科学部現代経済学科(I群) 2011~2016 1・2・3・4
経済科学部現代経済学科(I群) FECE10903 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
経済科学部経済情報学科(I群) 2011~2016 1・2・3・4
経済科学部経済情報学科(I群) FEEI10903 2017~2020 1・2・3・4
法学部法律学科 2013~2016 1・2・3・4
法学部法律学科 FLIP10805 2017~2017 1・2・3・4
法学部国際政治学科(H群) 2007~2016 1・2・3・4
法学部国際政治学科(H群) FLIP10803 2017~2017 1・2・3・4
人間環境学部人間環境学科(関連科目) 2011~2016 1・2・3・4
人間環境学部人間環境学科(関連科目) FHES18301 2017~2020 1・2・3・4