授業コード 92450602 クラス 02
科目名 英語学特殊研究研究指導 単位数 4
担当者 J.M. Ronald 履修期 年間授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Guidance for Doctoral Studies
授業の概要 This course will offer individual guidance for postgraduate studies, including assignments to read research papers and write commentaries,
学習の到達目標 To provide suitable support and guidance for doctoral students
授業計画 第1回 Starting your PhD: Objectives and obstacles; Critique I
第2回 Starting your PhD: Skills, resources, and demands
第3回 Starting your PhD: Planning the year(s); Critique II
第4回 Starting your PhD: Building a network
第5回 Doing a replication 1: Finding a study
第6回 Doing a replication 2: Critiquing the study; Critique III
第7回 Doing a replication 3: Planning the replication
第8回 Doing a replication 4: Aiming for publication
第9回 Doing a replication 5: Writing it up Critique IV
第10回 Working on your PhD: Research methods review
第11回 Working on your PhD: Corpus considerations
第12回 Working on your PhD: Seeking expert advice Critique V
第13回 Working on your PhD: Taking stock
第14回 Working on your PhD: Re-setting objectives, requirements
第15回 Working on your PhD: Using the library for all it's worth
第16回 Working on your PhD: A community of learning
第17回 Working on your PhD:
第18回 Working on your PhD:
第19回 Working on your PhD:
第20回 Working on your PhD:
第21回 Working on your PhD:
第22回 Working on your PhD:
第23回 Working on your PhD:
第24回 Working on your PhD:
第25回 Working on your PhD:
第26回 Working on your PhD:
第27回 Working on your PhD:
第28回 Working on your PhD:
第29回 Working on your PhD:
第30回 Working on your PhD:
授業外学習の課題 Research, writing, presentation, working towards publication. 10-20 hours per week.
履修上の注意事項 Regular contact and open exchange is a vital part of this supervision.


Basically, students may be absent up to three times in one term. However, if they make a point of contacting their teacher before or soon after the absence each time, to learn what they missed or what they should do, then they will be allowed to be absent up to four times. If not, four absences means that they will not receive credits for the course.
成績評価の方法・基準 Critiques of research papers 100%
テキスト No textbook but guidance of various forms
By contact.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文科学研究科D英文学専攻 2017~2019 1-3