授業コード 70001502 クラス 02
科目名 Introduction to Research 単位数 2
担当者 D. James 履修期 第4学期
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Introduction to Research_02
授業の概要 This class is for students who want to improve their Academic English Skills. It will be divided into two main areas: the first area will focus on skills for searching, collecting, analyzing and editing information. The second area will be presenting that information in either written or oral form. All students are expected to make an oral presentation and submit a report during the course.
学習の到達目標 1. Short, effective, understandable and interesting presentations.
2. Clear, impressive and pleasing visuals.
3. Concise and precise handouts.
授業計画 第1回 Introduction: objectives, activities, assignments, grading etc.
第2回 Handouts & Reports: Basic Formats
第3回 Handouts & Reports: Useful Resources & Plagiarism
第4回 Choosing a Topic for Presentation
第5回 Researching & Gathering Information
第6回 Organizing & Revising Your Presentation
第7回 Practice for Presentation
第8回 Interim Report and Presentation
第9回 Feedback and Evaluation for Presentation
第10回 Self Awareness and Identification of Areas for Improvement
第11回 Revision and Preparation of Presentation I
第12回 Revision and Preparation of Presentation II
第13回 Rehearse & Practice for Presentation
第14回 Presentation & Evaluation I
第15回 Presentation & Evaluation II
授業外学習の課題 Students should make every effort at:
1. Using English as much as possible.
2. Practicing effective time management.
3. Always previewing and reviewing their work.
4. Students should expect to do at least 1-2 hours of outside-class work.
5. All feedback on assignments will be given in class.
履修上の注意事項 In order to succeed in this course you need to:
1. Attend all the classes.
2. Actively participate in classroom activities.
3. Complete coursework and presentation to their best of their ability.

If you are absent FIVE or more times, you will not be given a credit.

【This subject is also designed for the 2018~2019 Global Course students. ※ただし、一部の学部・学科では配当されていない場合があります。】
成績評価の方法・基準 1. Active Participation & Performance: 15%
2. Coursework (Reports): 35%
3: Presentation: 50%
テキスト All materials will be handed out in class.
参考文献 None.
By arrangement with the teacher in the class.
I can also be contacted at: james@alpha.shudo-u.ac.jp

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
国際コミュニティ学部国際政治学科(国際コミュニケーション領域) FGGP10304 2018~2019 1・2・3・4