授業コード 70001400 クラス
科目名 Japan Studies 単位数 2
担当者 J.M. Townsend 履修期 第3学期
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Explaining what's "Ordinary" in Japanese Life
授業の概要 What do many Japanese students discover, often unexpectedly, during their study abroad experience or in their home country as they increasingly meet and speak with people from other cultures? They discover that it is difficult to answer--in any language including their own--even seemingly simple questions asked about their own culture and way of life. Why is that so? That is likely because many of us tend to take our own culture for granted. We would rarely stop to think about the "whys" and "hows" of what we have grown up with. However, what may thus be considered just "normal" or "ordinary" to members of one culture are so often the very points that would strike those of other cultures as "different", "fascinating" or "confusing".

In this course, we will examine objectively (in Japanese and English), and begin to practice explaining several aspects of "ordinary" Japanese life such as customary practices and behavior patterns. In the process, we will also find out a little about the history and hidden culture behind them to add to your knowledge and explanations.

This course is intended for both Japanese and international students. (Please see 履修上の注意事項 below for more information.)
学習の到達目標 By the end of the course, successful students will have gained a good basic understanding of the facts and opinions on each topic as listed below. They will also have become able to answer questions on each topic in simple English by giving their own ideas backed by reasons, examples and other supporting evidences. Another focus throughout the course is for students to improve their four skills in English (and in Japanese, for international students.) Finally, they will have worked collaboratively on creating and giving an oral survey and presentation in small teams.
授業計画 第1回 Course Introduction
-Content and Expectations
-Introductory Topic + reading, listening and talking activities
第2回 Topic ①- Food Diversity
第3回 Topic ②- Seasons & Limited Edition Products
第4回 Language and Content Review - 1 / On-Campus International Student Survey (Preparation)
第5回 Topic ③- Wrapping and Gift-giving
第6回 Topic ④- Superstition or Religion?
第7回 Topic ⑤- Cleanliness
第8回 Language Review and Practice - 2 / On-Campus International Student Survey (Results)
第9回 Content Review - 2 / Team Presentation (Topic Selection)
第10回 Topic ⑥- Addressing Others
第11回 Topic ⑦- Apologizing
第12回 Topic ⑧- Preserving Harmony / Team Presentation (Preparation)- 1
第13回 Language Review and Practice - 3 / Team Presentation (Preparation) - 2
第14回 Content Review - 3 / Team Presentation (Preparation) - 3
第15回 Team Presentations and Course Summary
授業外学習の課題 Students will be expected to:
-complete all (reading, listening and writing) assignments on time and to the best of their ability
-come to class prepared for quizzes, Q&A and idea exchange sessions
-keep and update their vocabulary notebook after each class
-administer an on-campus survey outside of class time
-prepare for their team presentation mostly outside of class time
Students should be prepared to spend at least 60 minutes between sessions for review, preparation and assignments. Several additional hours will be required to prepare for their Team Presentation at the end of the course.
履修上の注意事項 1. Come to class every time (on time).
2. There will be a quiz on the first session of most weeks.
3. 5 absences = NO CREDIT, NO EXCEPTIONS
4. Be an active listener and speaker. Ask questions and offer ideas.
5. Make every effort to express your ideas in your second (or third) language.
* Up to 15 Japanese students and 5 international students will be accepted in this course.
**Japanese students should be at English Level 2 or Level 3 at this university.
***All students will need to have at least a lower-intermediate level of proficiency in
English and Japanese in order to readily follow the content of this course.

****Please ask the instructor any questions you may have during the first session and before you submit your registration card.

(The weekly plan may be adjusted depending on class size and the language proficiency levels of the registered students.)

【This subject is also designed for the 2018~2019 Global Course students. ※ただし、一部の学部・学科では配当されていない場合があります。】
成績評価の方法・基準 Quizzes and Assignments (40%)
Active Class Participation, Classwork, Effort & Progress (40%)
Team Presentation (20%)
テキスト Hiroyuki Eguchi and Stuart Varnum-Atkin, 『英語で伝えたいふつうの日本』(DHC)
My office hours will be announced in class.
At other times, email me in advance at jmtownse@shudo-u.ac.jp
Please do not hesitate to speak with me (in English or Japanese) if you need help or advice.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
国際コミュニティ学部国際政治学科(国際コミュニケーション領域) FGGP10303 2018~2019 1・2・3・4