授業コード 20094500 クラス
科目名 英語学・英語教育学ゼミナールC(社会と言語) 単位数 2
担当者 J.M. Ronald 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Language Varieties: Dialect, Gender, Bilingualism
授業の概要 During this semester we will look at various aspects of the relationship between language and society, focusing on Japanese and English.
学習の到達目標 To apply what we learn in class to our language environment outside, to read critically, and to learn to use academic references.
授業計画 第1回 The triangle of a seminar group (academic, social, pastoral); Planning this semester;
Names: Learning, investigating
Sociolinguistics: definitions, scope (book review details)
第2回 Sociolinguistics: Dialects, standards; Definitions, issues (books for review)
Greetings: Planning and starting a research project
第3回 Pidgins and Creoles (book review questions)
"Inglan is a bitch", Tok Pisin, Singlish
第4回 Dialect and education (book review deadline)
Greetings: Collecting, compiling data for our research project
第5回 Dialect and education: essay details
Greetings: What greetings, who, when, why? Hypotheses
第6回 Dialect and education: finding and using references
Greetings in a TV program
Greetings research report: contents
第7回 Bilingualism: from countries to families to individuals.
Take a topic and investigate it.
Greetings research report: Introduction and outline I
第8回 Reporting on types of bilingual (essay 1st draft)
Greetings research report: Introduction and outline II
第9回 Women's and men's language use (essay feedback)
Greetings research report: Literature Review I
第10回 Women's and men's language use (essay 2nd draft)
Discussion - Watch your language!
Greetings research report: Literature Review II
第11回 Language change; focus on clothes.
Imagining research projects
Greetings research report: The research description
第12回 Sociolinguistics final topic - we decide together
Greetings research report: Results
第13回 Sociolinguistics final topic - investigate
Greetings research report: Discussion
第14回 Sociolinguistics final topic - share findings
Greetings research report: Conclusion
第15回 Greetings research report: References
授業外学習の課題 Preparation for presentation, book reviews, planning and conducting a research project, finding and using references. 1-4 hours per week.
履修上の注意事項 Read a short introductory book on Sociolinguistics (社会言語学) - in Japanese. This will help you understand and participate more fully in this course.


Basically, students may be absent up to three times in one term. However, if they make a point of contacting their teacher before or soon after the absence each time, to learn what they missed or what they should do, then they will be allowed to be absent up to four times. If not, four absences means that they will not receive credits for the course.

成績評価の方法・基準 Evaluation will be based on written work (60%), oral reports and presentations (20%) Class participation will also affect students' grades (20%).
テキスト Basic Steps to Writing Research Papers 2nd edition
David E. Kluge, Matthew A. Taylor
Cengage Learning ELT
Handouts will be provided.
If you're not sure what to do or need some kind of guidance, tell me. In class, after class, in my office, by phone or E-mail, in English or Japanese - just don't keep silent!

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) FHEN30322 2017~2019 3・4