授業コード 20088402 クラス 02
科目名 Discussion Ⅰ 単位数 2
担当者 Taras A. SAK 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 The aim of this course is to develop students' abilities so that they may confidently and actively participate in English discussions.
授業の概要 Each week, we will (roughly) follow the same structure: students will read a short passage in Japanese that introduces that week's topic or theme (for example, Internet censorship vs. freedom of expression), then they will either translate it or make a summary of it in English; after this, students will discuss some "warm-up questions" related to that week's topic before reading a "case" (study) in English dealing with that same theme/topic. There will be vocabulary exercises and we will sometimes practice shadowing or dictation, to sharpen student listening skills. The next segment of the class will involve reading the "pros" (merits) and "cons" (demerits) of each topic, in a short-paragraph format (closely paralleling the Eiken writing test), then listening to model opinions and learning useful expressions. Finally, students will be asked to discuss their opinions, verbally, before writing down and submitting a more formal paragraph that expresses their overall opinion and gives support for their views.
学習の到達目標 This course will enable students to develop their English skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking), while considering the different sides to any given controversial topic and the need for reasons or logical argumentation to support their views.

The ultimate goal is to help students gain confidence in joining a discussion in English, with the vocabulary and expressions/sentence patterns necessary to do so intelligently, without being afraid of being asked for their "opinion." In this way, it should help them in interacting with foreign tourists or businesspeople, in studying abroad, and in passing exams such as the Eiken interview test.
授業計画 第1回 Introduction; course expectations and rules; Unit 1: The Internet
第2回 Unit 2: NEETs
第3回 Unit 3: Fashion
第4回 Unit 4: The Environment
第5回 Unit 5: International Marriage
第6回 Unit 6: Junk Food
第7回 Unit 7: Paternity Leave
第8回 Unit 8: Depopulation
第9回 Unit 9: Examinations
第10回 Unit 10: Animal Testing
第11回 Unit 11: Temporary Workers
第12回 Unit 12: Robot (Nursing) Care
第13回 Unit 13: College
第14回 Unit 14: Genetically Modified Food
第15回 Unit 15: Welfare
授業外学習の課題 Each week, review the last class and preview the next class (at least 2 hours).

More specifically, each week, students will be asked to review the past week's lesson, study the vocabulary and expressions (which will be used on in-class quizzes), and finish writing and typing, then printing out their final one-paragraph opinion (to be handed in to the teacher at the start of the following week's class).
履修上の注意事項 Students must attend class regularly, be prepared each week, actively participate, and submit assignments on time. Arriving late to class, missing class sessions, being unprepared or disruptive in class, or submitting assignments late will result in a lower grade. Credits will not be given if students are absent from class more than four times in one semester (including illness, traffic-related problems, family-related matters, etc.). Students may use their phones as a dictionary, but if so, then they must be placed on top of their desks at all times.

【This subject is also designed for the 2017~2019 Global Course students. ※ただし、一部の学部・学科では配当されていない場合があります。】
成績評価の方法・基準 Active Participation = 50%
In-class Quizzes and Activities = 25%
Typed, Printed Opinions = 25%
テキスト Flaherty, Gillian. For and Against: Expressing Opinions and Exchanging Ideas. Seibido. ISBN: 978-4-7919-4621-1.

Available for purchase in the university co-op bookstore (Seikyo).

You will also need a dictionary and a notebook.
During the orientation session, in the first week, the instructor will give directions as to how to contact him. Feedback will be given during and after class, each week, or by email.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) FHEN20111 2017~2019 2・3・4