授業コード 20088200 クラス
科目名 Working English Ⅰ 単位数 2
担当者 J.M. Ronald 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Working English I
授業の概要 Not "Business English"? Rather, "Workplace English": the English needed in workplaces in Hiroshima, and the workplaces in Hiroshima where English is used. And not just functional English, but English in relationships, too: with colleagues, clients, and customers.
学習の到達目標 Investigating and reporting foreign language needs in local companies, and learning useful written and spoken English for use in the workplace.
授業計画 第1回 About Working English; Small talk, Positive and Negative Politeness; "Is this seat free?"
第2回 Writing letters / emails to companies in Hiroshima; Clarification and correction or advice.
第3回 Writing business letters in English; Apologies, and clarification.
第4回 Responding to letters; Requests and Request Tennis!
第5回 Planning company visits I; Needs for English: How to say no - and keep your clients.
第6回 Planning company visits II; Needs for English: From small talk to conversations; Role play I.
第7回 Planning company visits III; Needs for English: Making suggestions, giving advice; Role play II.
第8回 "Keigo" in English? Making, accepting and refusing an offer. Role play III.
第9回 Cultural differences; Role play IV.
第10回 Workplace English reports I; Compliments, responses and self-disclosure
第11回 Workplace English reports II; Self-deprecation - how to not be too Japanese!
第12回 Workplace English reports III; other areas of communication
第13回 Workplace English reports IV; other areas of communication
第14回 Workplace English reports V; other areas of communication
第15回 Review: What have we learned, what do we need to work on?
授業外学習の課題 Finding English resources and bringing them to class; arranging company visits; preparing for role plays. 1-5 hours per week.
履修上の注意事項 This course may involve visiting companies in Hiroshima to investigate the needs for English in each company, or possibly joining job fairs to meet company representatives. It will involve writing letters to invite the involvement in this course of graduates of this university working in various companies in Hiroshima.


Basically, students may be absent up to three times in one term. However, if they make a point of contacting their teacher before or soon after the absence each time, to learn what they missed or what they should do, then they will be allowed to be absent up to four times. If not, four absences means that they will not receive credits for the course.

【This subject is also designed for the 2017~2019 Global Course students. ※ただし、一部の学部・学科では配当されていない場合があります。】
成績評価の方法・基準 Letters & Emails (35%), Role plays (35%), Company visit reports and questions (30%)
テキスト No text
Please contact the teacher by phone or email. This is part of the course, too.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) FHEN30102 2017~2019 3・4