授業コード 20086403 クラス 03
科目名 Active English Ⅰ 単位数 1
担当者 P. Head 履修期 第1学期
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Active English I
授業の概要 This course will focus on conversation strategies, extensive reading, and learner development.Through this course, students will have many opportunities to become more confident in speaking English, and to get to know each other. Topics will include talking about the things that are important to you.
学習の到達目標 To be more capable. more confident, more motivated users of English.
授業計画 第1回 Welcome to Active English! Introductions: Letting your partner talk.
Extensive reading: Choosing books.
第2回 Introducing My Thing. Talking about ourselves. “Could you tell us something about...?” Repeating, and getting time to think. Extensive reading: Just read!
第3回 Talking about shopping. Starting and ending a conversation. Repeating, and getting time to think.Active listening, asking questions. Extensive reading: sharing our stories.
第4回 Talking about shopping. Repeating, and getting time to think. Active listening, asking questions. English opportunities on campus. Extensive reading: How much can you read?
第5回 Expressing your opinions about... food! Agreeing and disagreeing, asking for more information. Topic 3; Reacting to news; English this week: what, where, who. Extensive reading: sharing our stories.
第6回 Expressing your opinions about... food! Asking for more information. My Thing: Show and Tell I. English online - finding and using resources for learning English. Extensive reading: what do you like?
第7回 Music: Asking for examples, reacting enthusiastically. Learner development - with a friend! Extensive reading: How to find time and a place.
第8回 Music: Asking for examples, tripling your reaction. Learner development: Keep a portfolio. Extensive reading: give up or keep going?
第9回 Conversation strategies review. Meeting people from other countries. Extensive reading: sharing our stories.
第10回 Getting to know friends better: telling more, asking more. Learner development: self-disclosure - funny, embarrassing stories. Extensive reading: Make a reading graph.
第11回 Getting to know friends better: telling more, asking more. Learner development: Adding to your portfolio. Extensive reading: Read another kind of book.
第12回 Talking about free time, being vague. Learning from each other. Learner development: Be yourself - Let it go! Extensive reading: What to do about words I don't know.
第13回 Talking about free time, being vague. Learning from each other. Learner development: Events on campus. Extensive reading: sharing our stories.
第14回 My Thing: Show and tell II. Conversation strategies review. Extensive reading: Learn from each other.
第15回 Looking back: What we learned. Looking forward: What's next. Sharing what you learned from other classes. Extensive reading: just read.
授業外学習の課題 Around 45 minutes for each day of the week.
履修上の注意事項 欠席は3回までとする。ただし、事前あるいは直後に授業担当教員に連絡を取り、欠席中の授業内容や課題を把握した場合、4回の欠席まで認める。それ以外の場合、欠席4回の学生にはこの科目の単位が与えられない。

Basically, students may be absent up to three times in one term. However, if they make a point of contacting their teacher before or soon after the absence each time, to learn what they missed or what they should do, then they will be allowed to be absent up to four times. If not, four absences means that they will not receive credits for the course.

【This subject is also designed for the 2017~2019 Global Course students. ※ただし、一部の学部・学科では配当されていない場合があります。】
成績評価の方法・基準 Speaking tests (30%), extensive reading (15%), quizzes (15%), final vocabulary tests (20%), class participation (20%).
テキスト Nice Talking With You I: T. Kenny & L. Woo
Silence is not an option! If you have a problem or want to make a suggestion, find a way to communicate with your teacher, by writing or speaking.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(英語力練成) FHEN10101 2017~2019 1・2・3・4