授業コード 20064400 クラス
科目名 英語研究特講(American English and Mo 単位数 2
担当者 Taras A. SAK 履修期 前期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 英語研究特講(American English and Movies)
授業の概要 In this class, we will read a simplified version (a "graded" or "level" reader, in this case, level 3 on Oxford University Press's scale: 1000 headwords, with 9,871 total words, or level B1 in the CEFR, approximately 550-750 TOEIC) of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., the famous Civil Rights leader, in order to help students maintain and improve their current level of English.

Students will be put in pairs or small groups and asked to read two chapters every week, answering my reading and discussion questions, making their own reading and discussion questions, and creating vocabulary/idiom/reading notebooks of their own.

We will also watch five movies related to the life of Martin Luther King and the struggle for Civil Rights for African-Americans, roughly taking place from the 1930s until the 1960s in order to deepen students' understanding of American society at that time and how it might be related to today's world.
学習の到達目標 In this course, you will learn many new vocabulary terms, how to study independently, and how to critically approach history, literature and film.

Your learning outcome will be determined by the amount of time and effort you put into studying each week. The instructor hopes this will be an enjoyable, challenging class, in which students can learn more about American society and history through the experience of African-Americans, improve their English skills, and prepare for higher-level discussion and research in zemi.

You should spend two hours per week reviewing old material and two additional hours preparing for the next class with new material.
授業計画 第1回 Week 1 Introduction & Orientation; course expectations; watch the trailers for the five movies; break into teams or pairs for the course and discuss some questions on African-American history; begin first movie, The Great Debaters.
第2回 Week 2 Read Aloud & Discuss Intro. & Ch. 1; continue Great Debaters.
第3回 Week 3 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 2 and Activities; finish Great Debaters.
第4回 Week 4 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 3 and Activities; begin second movie, 42 (about Jackie Robinson).
第5回 Week 5 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 4 and Activities; continue 42.
第6回 Week 6 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 5 and Activities; finish 42.
第7回 Week 7 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 6 and Activities; begin third movie, Loving.
第8回 Week 8 Midterm Progress Report; Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 7 and Activities; continue Loving.
第9回 Week 9 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 8 and Activities; finish Loving.
第10回 Week 10 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 9 and Activities; begin fourth movie, Hidden Figures.
第11回 Week 11 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 10 and Activities; continue Hidden Figures.
第12回 Week 12 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 11 and Activities; finish Hidden Figures.
第13回 Week 13 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 12 and Activities; begin final movie, Selma.
第14回 Week 14 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 13 and Activities; continue Selma.
第15回 Week 15 Read Aloud & Discuss Ch. 14 and Activities; finish Selma; Review for Exam; Presentations; Course Summary & Evaluations.
授業外学習の課題 Each week, review the last class and preview the next class (at least 2 hours).

In addition, 1-page response papers (RP, in English) for each movie. Papers will be graded on ideas, not on grammar, but please do your best.
履修上の注意事項 Attendance and active participation are required to pass this course. This course will be taught entirely in English, and students must use English actively in class, so please bring a good Japanese/English dictionary to all classes. Mobile phones can be used as Japanese/English dictionaries and for research only (kept on top of your desk at all times). No calls or texting during class. Students who break this rule will be asked to leave and will be marked absent. Plagiarism (using another person's words or ideas without crediting them) will result in failing the course.

The course schedule and film screenings/scenes are tentative and subject to change.

Credits will not be given if students are absent from class more than four times in one semester (including illness, traffic-related problems, family-related matters, etc.).
成績評価の方法・基準 (1) Active Participation = 25%
(2) In-class Activities = 25%
(3) Response Papers = 50%

*Minus Points for Poor Attitude (sleeping in class, etc.) or Unexcused Absences
*Coming to class late 2 times = 1 absence
テキスト Required text:

Alan C. McLean. Martin Luther King (Oxford University Press Bookworms Factfiles, 3rd Edition; Level 3). ISBN-13: 978-0194621038.

*Please be sure to purchase the MP3 (audio) pack.

Available for purchase from the university co-op bookstore (Seikyo).
Students with questions about the class are encouraged to meet with me before or after the class or to contact me by email. I will provide enrolled students my email address on the first day of the course.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(専攻科目) 2011~2016 2・3・4
人文学部英語英文学科(英語学・英語教育学) FHEN30308 2017~2019 2・3・4