授業コード 20017807 クラス 07
科目名 ゼミナールⅣ 単位数 2
担当者 Keith Barrs 履修期 後期授業
カリキュラム *下表参考 配当年次 *下表参考

授業題目 Zemi III: Writing a Research Paper
授業の概要 This course is about developing the skills necessary to plan, design, and write an English language research paper. The desired outcome of Semester 2 is that students understand how to put together the various sections of a Graduation Thesis
学習の到達目標 The aim is to further develop students' ability to construct, finish and submit an English language Graduation Thesis. The goal is for students to submit a competent thesis by the deadline.
授業計画 第1回 Results and Discussion: Inspiration
第2回 Results and Discussion: Collaboration
第3回 Results and Discussion: Investigation
第4回 Results and Discussion: Organisation
第5回 Results and Discussion: Production
第6回 Conclusion: Inspiration
第7回 Conclusion: Collaboration
第8回 Conclusion: Investigation
第9回 Conclusion: Organisation
第10回 Conclusion: Production
第11回 Proofreading: Self
第12回 Proofreading: Peer
第13回 Proofreading: Supervisor
第14回 Proofreading: Final
第15回 Graduation Thesis Year Review
授業外学習の課題 Students will be expected to study for at least 120 minutes per week out of class.
These are the 2 expectations of EVERY student on this course:
1) Use English as much as possible
2) Always REVIEW the last class and PREVIEW the next class
履修上の注意事項 履修上の注意事項
To be successful on this course students need:
1) good attendance and time-keeping.
2) good classwork and homework.
3) good motivation and participation.

Credits will not be given if students are absent from class more than four times in one semester (including illness, traffic-related problems, family-related matters, etc.).
成績評価の方法・基準 The grade for the semester is composed of:
1) Progress Tests/Tasks (80%)
2) Active Participation (20%)
*Lateness and absences will negatively affect grades.
*If a student is absent from a class, it is the STUDENT'S responsibility to contact a classmate or the teacher to find out about the classwork/homework.
テキスト Materials will be provided in class.
Students can make contact by (1) email (barrs@shudo-u.ac.jp) or (2) visiting my office (Building 3, office 316) or (3) speaking with me in class.

所属 ナンバリングコード 適用入学年度 配当年次
人文学部英語英文学科(専攻科目) 2011~2016 4